The Demolition of the Cage that Traps Our Inner Rage

There are times when we feel like our feelings are being played.

Often like we’re the losing opponent in a bad game of spades.

We often feel attacked when people constantly throw shade.

As women we’re portrayed as crazy so we lock our rage in a cage.


However, as women we are fearless and way beyond brave.

We are Queens and nothing less, we are starting a new wave.

Although we have the needed qualifications compared to men we’re underpaid.

But men and women should strive to work together to be solid like a two-stranded braid.


As women we’re called chefs when we’re serving food homemade.

We’re both stylish and luxurious like a Cadillac Escalade.

Way too often women are viewed as a constant downgrade.

But like Ciara we level up, every day we upgrade.


As Queens we are fashion models both on and off the stage.

And by god all shades of women are beautifully made.

We work hard every day in hopes of overcoming our barricades.

So as we work we get better as we progress through decades.


We are both sweet and refreshing like freshly brewed lemonade.

Every day as Queens we slay with our beautiful edges laid.

Although people say we’re crazy and make us feel like we’re being played.

We are stronger and worth much more than the money we get paid.