February 21 Community Survey: Planning Fall 2021
Concerns about safety in the Covid-19 era continue to inform Trinity’s plans for the Fall 2021 semester.
November Community Survey Results
In this era of Covid-19, the Trinity community demonstrates resilience and creativity in coping with the pandemic circumstances.
Campus Survey: Think Spring!
One month check-up on our Fall semester at Trinity, and already planning Spring 2021!
Straw Poll Results August 2020
Concerns about Covid-19 and financial issues top the list of worries for students as we start the Fall 2020 semester.
Voices of Trinity: Pandemic Advice Part 2
Students in English 107 have great advice for all of us as we cope with the coronavirus pandemic.
Voices of Trinity: Advice and Encouragement for Making it through the Pandemic
“We all have to live as if there is no tomorrow. So what are you waiting for?” Heartfelt wisdom from Professor Weiler’s English 107 students on coping with the pandemic moment.
Q & A on Your Concerns: Online Stress, $$$, More…
Our community survey indicated many different concerns with online stress, personal finances and health topping the list.