Adirondack Chronicles 2021.2: Water Everywhere

Adirondack Chronicles 2021.2: Water Everywhere

We talk about the Adirondack Mountains and the Forest Preserve, but to me, the most wonderful feature of the Adirondacks is the abundance of water — the lakes, rivers and streams that nourish the environment and make this region a delight for boaters and those who just like to sit in their Adirondack chairs watching the movement on the water.  Blue Mountain Lake, above, is one of the beauties, and on a busy weekend those chairs will be well occupied.

Not far away, Lake Durant welcomes campers along its banks…

Lake George is known for its elegant great camps and many sailboats:

The view of Lake Champlain from a farm on a hillside overlooking this great inland sea:

And this geese family was having an outing on the more remote Lake Meacham…

Ducks are equally abundant on the lakes and rivers of the north country.  I was somewhat surprised to see this wood duck out in the open on Tupper Lake since those colorful ducks often hide out along the banks of shady streams:

The summer butterfly season is also in full bloom, especially on the milkweed and other wild flowers growing along roadsides and in fields.  This milkweed bloom was quite popular:

I am always fascinated by these small bee-like creatures known as hummoths that enjoy the nectar of many blossoms:

By the way, I checked back on Mother Loon and she is still patiently sitting on her eggs… won’t be long now!

Next up: Adirondack Independence!