Trinity Covid Safety Protocols: Fall 2021
Covid-19 Essential Expectations for the Trinity Campus Community
August 2021
PDF Version: Covid 19 Essential Expectations On Campus 2021
This policy statement updates prior Trinity campus plans regarding Covid-19, and is consistent with D.C. Mayor’s Orders and Department of Health directives, and CDC guidance. This statement summarizes the essential expectations for all persons on campus during the pandemic. Any individual who refuses to comply with these expectations may not be present on Trinity’s campus; students and employees who refused to comply with these directions may also be subject to disciplinary action.
Essential Expectations
Vaccination Proof Required: All persons on campus must present proof of vaccination or have a valid exemption approved by Trinity. Persons who are not vaccinated or who have valid exemptions may not be on campus. View details on submitting proof of vaccination for students, faculty and staff.
Testing: All persons who have exemptions, and who, therefore, are not vaccinated, must
participate in weekly testing at the direction of Campus Health Services.
Masks Required: Every person on campus must wear a mask in public spaces indoors including
lobbies, corridors, lounges, classrooms, library, computer labs, dining hall and meeting
rooms. Masks are not required outside but are encouraged if you are in a group outside.
Social Distancing: Everyone should observe social distancing (usually recommended at 3-6 feet) on corridors and in meeting spaces as possible.
Visitors: Visitors to campus should be for specific business reasons only, no social visits at this time; all visitors must check in with Security and wait in designated areas; 100% ID check is in force.
Hand Washing and Hygiene: All persons on campus should wash hands frequently and follow all standard public health and hygiene guidelines for protecting others from the spread of the virus.
Daily Symptom Check: Everyone should review the daily symptom check information page on the website and follow the directions about leaving campus immediately if you have symptoms, reporting to Health Services, and consulting your personal healthcare professional.
If you are exposed to Covid 19: If you have been vaccinated already, you should get a test 3-5 days after exposure; isolation is not required unless you have symptoms. If you are not vaccinated, then you must get a test AND isolate for 10 days or until negative results return.
If you have Covid 19: You must be in quarantine until medically certified to return to campus.
Resident students will quarantine in Kerby Hall and will receive instructions from Health Services.
If You Are Sick (non-Covid): Stay Home.
Continuing Education on Coronavirus and Prevention: Students, faculty and staff will receive further online continuing education materials to stay aware and informed of practices to help prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Key Trinity Managers:
Overall Direction: President Patricia McGuire, president@trinitydc.edu 202-884-9050
Health Services: Dr. Jacqueline Newsome-Williams, Director of Health Services, Newsome-williamsJ@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9615
Student Affairs: Dr. Karen Gerlach, Vice President for Student Affairs, gerlachK@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9203
Academic Affairs: Dr. Carlota Ocampo, Provost, ocampoC@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9209
Facilities Services: Mr. William Shaffer, Director of Facilities, shafferW@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9333
Human Resources: Ms. Tracey Prince Ross, Executive Director of Human Resources, princeTr@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9126
Media Questions: Ann Pauley, Media Relations, pauleya@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9725