Summer Update: Eagerly Awaiting the Fall Semester!
Message from President Pat McGuire
Dear Trinity Students, Faculty and Staff,
Hard to believe it’s already the end of July, and fall classes will resume in just a few weeks! I hope that everyone has had a chance to enjoy at least a little bit of this somewhat unusual summer. I know that it’s been stressful for many with the pandemic, the protests for racial justice, and the general climate of uncertainty and upset. In the midst of all of that, I hope that Trinity can offer you some bit of comfort, stability and a sense of a caring community even though we remain socially distant in many ways.
View the Opening of Fall 2020 Semester Key Dates.
Trinity’s plan for reopening for Fall 2020 continues to be the same plan as we announced in June. D.C. authorities have reviewed and approved our plan, and they provide regular updates for our protocols. As a reminder, the key elements of our plan include:
- Classes for new students and some others in the College of Arts and Sciences will be both face-to-face, hybrid and online; no more than 10 students in any face-to-face class.
- Some necessary classes and labs for students in the School of Nursing and Health Professions will be face-to-face, with most hybrid and online.
- Classes for all other graduate and professional students are online.
- All new student orientations are virtual.
- Residence halls will be open with one student per room and screening protocols in place; resident students have received separate instructions.
- Dining Services open with safety protocols.
- Staff have rotational schedules for our main service offices (Admissions, Enrollment Services, Post Office, Business Office, Library) with most services delivered virtually and many staff teleworking.
- Nobody is forced to come to campus; if you need an accommodation we will provide a schedule to meet your needs.
- Fall athletics seasons are cancelled.
- Visitors to campus have very limited access.
- Everyone on campus must (a) wear a mask, (b) observe social distancing, and (c) follow all other health protocols set forth in our plan.
We are aware that some of the larger universities have changed their plans to go all-online, as well as almost all of the major area school systems. Trinity is the smallest institution by far among the local universities, and we are able to reduce campus density and observe good social distancing without continuing full closure. With everyone’s cooperation on all of the health and safety protocols, we can keep everyone healthy and safe while making sure that your educational progress continues and that you have access to the services you need.
Mayor Bowser has issued an order requiring quarantines for people traveling from certain states, and the list of states changes every so often. This affects a relatively small group of our students. We will work with students from those states to provide the accommodations you need to satisfy the requirement while also getting back to school here.
We will be re-issuing the full list of safety protocols and expectations for your compliance when we get closer to the opening date. For details about the dates that concern you and your schedule, see the Opening of Fall 2020 Semester Key Dates.
As always, I am happy to answer questions and to receive your comments. We are all working through this most extraordinary period in our history, and we are already demonstrating that we can achieve great things even in this “new normal.”
With thanks for your cooperation and best wishes for your continuing health and safety,
President Pat McGuire
Key Resources and Contacts:
Dr. Karen Gerlach, Vice President of Student Affairs
Dr. Carlota Ocampo, Provost, Academic Affairs
Dr. Jacqueline Newsome-Williams, Trinity Health and Wellness Center
Questions? Use these resources:
Who’s Who at Trinity – Who should I talk to about ….
Trinity A-Z – Everything you need to find at Trinity
Media Inquiries: Ann Pauley