Covid Protocols: Spring 2022 Semester
Message from President McGuire, December 20, 2021
Dear students and colleagues,
We all long for a Christmas season full of the “holly, jolly” themes, with no mention of the somber era we are living through. But, alas, reality intrudes, and the Covid-19 situation is changing daily. I am so grateful for the many wonderful ways in which our Trinity campus community pulled together to stay safe and healthy through these long months, and while I hate to ask even more of you, I am confident that you will rise to the occasion once more as we continue our quest to ensure the health and safety of every member of our community.
Today, Mayor Bowser reinstated the indoor mask mandate for DC — that’s not a problem, we’ve had the mandate all along and everyone has done well on compliance. Thank you!
The Mayor’s order also has a new element — required vaccines AND booster shots for all DC employees and all DC government contractors — Trinity is a DC government contractor and so we must comply with the order.
Booster shots are essential in helping to manage the omicron variant of the virus — while none of the vaccines can guarantee 100% protection against getting the virus, the cases are revealing that those who are vaccinated have less severe illness if they do get infected, and persons who have received booster shots have the most protection against serious illness and death. The Pfizer or Moderna vaccines are the most effective and highly recommended for the booster shots.
ALL TRINITY STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF AND VENDOR PARTNER PERSONNEL who plan to be on campus in the Spring 2022 semester must provide proof of full vaccination, including booster shots. Your booster should come six months after your initial series of the vaccine. Here’s a link to the CDC guidance on booster shots.
We ask that, if you have not already done so, please get your booster shot within the next four weeks if possible, by January 15 so the vaccine protection is effective by the time we start in-person classes on January 24. Most pharmacies have them. Booster shots are free and relatively quick and painless — much easier than being sick with Covid!
To provide your proof of vaccination, upload a new copy of your vaccine card showing your booster shot as well as previous shots:
- Students: Use this form on our website (same form as you have used previously, upload a new copy of your vaccination card)
- Personnel: Email a photo of your vaccine card to Tracey Prince Ross in HR princeTR@trinitydc.edu
If you have a previously approved religious or medical exemption you do not need to re-apply for the exemption. If you already have received your first vaccines you may NOT receive an exemption for the booster shots, you need to get boosted.
If you have not provided proof of vaccination and have not been exempted, you need to comply with this policy before the start of the Spring 2022 semester. We will be contacting you about your compliance status.
If you travel during the holidays, we ask that you take a Covid-19 test with a negative result before returning to campus. If you have any symptoms, please do not come to campus, and instead, stay home and get a Covid test. We will provide more information on testing and follow-up very soon; we have ordered a supply of rapid at-home tests and will advise you when they are available. If you are a DC resident, you can get free rapid in-home tests at various sites, see p. 15 of the Mayor’s presentation.
In-person classes and activities for CAS, NHP undergrads and some other programs begin on January 24. Winter Term, Term 1 and other classes that start prior to January 24 will be online, check the academic calendar for your program start dates. All orientations will be online. While our offices will be open with limited rotational staffing on January 3, we ask that you take advantage of virtual administrative services during the first three weeks of January, limiting visits to campus for all but essential needs. All orientations and winter graduations will be online. Resident students receive separate instructions about move-in and dining.
The situation is evolving quickly, and we will let you know as soon as possible about any changes in our January schedule. For now, the most important thing you can do is get that booster shot, wear your mask, wash your hands, maintain social distance, and get tested before and after travel or if you feel ill. We can beat this virus! But all of us need to work together to do it!
Thanks so much for your cooperation, and of course let me know your thoughts as we continue to manage through the pandemic.
With thanks, President Pat McGuire
Message From President McGuire, December 9, 2021
We have made some decisions about how we move forward in Spring 2022 with Covid-19 protections, subject to further information from the CDC and we will also consider your responses to the December Campus Community survey as we calibrate our policies to meet the circumstances. With the appearance of the omicron variant, so much is unknown at this time, but we continue to stay abreast of all guidance for responding to the pandemic and its many issues. Our choices are informed by the CDC guidance and the American College Health Association guidelines, as well as DC regulations.
Trinity’s Covid-19 Policies for Spring 2022
For Spring 2022, these are Trinity’s Covid-19 policies as of December 8, 2021, subject to change as new information becomes available:
Vaccine Mandate: We continue to require all persons on campus to provide proof of vaccination, with limited exceptions for legitimate medical and religious exemptions. We are following-up individually with persons who have not complied and we reserve the right to limit entry and participation in activities for persons who are not vaccinated. Also note: Some of our graduate and professional students will return to on-campus classes and clinicals in the spring, and you must get vaccinated in order to participate in any on-campus instructional activity. View details on submitting proof of vaccination for students, faculty and staff.
Booster Shots: 12/20/21 Update: Trinity is requiring booster shots. See message at top of page. The most recent reports indicate that boosters are essential to resist infection with the omicron variant.
Testing: We continue to require testing for resident students moving back to campus after the semester break, and for any and all persons who are symptomatic. You may get tested in Health Services or through your own provider. If you have a positive test, you need to report that to Health Services who will also report that result to DC Department of Health. You must follow the isolation guidelines if you test positive.
Covid-19 Exposure: If you are fully vaccinated, you do not need to isolate if you have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 unless you have symptoms, in which case you should test and isolate. If you are fully vaccinated and have been exposed but have no symptoms, but were in very close proximity to the infected person, you may still want to do a test after 3-5 days of the possible exposure.
We are planning to order a supply of rapid at-home tests for distribution on campus so that everyone can have more ready access to testing. We will have more information on this early in January.
Masks: We continue to require everyone on campus to wear masks in all indoor spaces when others are present; you may remove your mask in private offices or spaces where you are the only person present.
Social Distancing: We continue to urge everyone to observe social distancing and not crowd together in any spaces.
Hand washing: Attention to basic hygiene is always important, now more than ever, wash your hands!!
Visitors: We continue to require visitors to provide proof of vaccination.
Events: We continue to be cautious about large events, e.g., more than 50 people, but we are evaluating whether and how to resume larger events in the spring.
Be Careful and Be Safe: Even if you are vaccinated, you must continue to be very, very careful. The vaccine prevents the infection from being more serious; vaccinated persons in general are less likely to suffer the most severe symptoms and are less likely to die from Covid. Most Covid-19 deaths and serious hospitalizations continue to be among unvaccinated persons, and those persons also contribute to community spread.
Daily Symptom Check: Everyone should review the daily symptom check information page on the website and follow the directions about leaving campus immediately if you have symptoms, reporting to Health Services, and consulting your personal healthcare professional.
Please get vaccinated and get your booster shots!
Thank you! President McGuire
Key Trinity Managers:
Overall Direction: President Patricia McGuire, president@trinitydc.edu 202-884-9050
Student Affairs and Health Services: Dr. Karen Gerlach, Vice President for Student Affairs, gerlachK@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9203
Academic Affairs: Dr. Carlota Ocampo, Provost, ocampoC@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9209
Facilities Services: Mr. William Shaffer, Director of Facilities, shafferW@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9333
Human Resources: Ms. Tracey Prince Ross, Executive Director of Human Resources, princeTr@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9126
Media Questions: Ann Pauley, Media Relations, pauleya@trinitydc.edu, 202-884-9725