President Patricia McGuire Testifies Before Senate Finance Committee
President Patricia McGuire presented testimony before the Senate Finance Committee today on college costs, tuition and financial aid.
President McGuire’s Blog is Featured on the Front Page of the New York Times
The New York Times featured President McGuire’s blog on the front page of the November 22, 2006, edition.
President Patricia McGuire Named One of Washington Business Journal’s 2006 “Women Who Mean Business”
Trinity President Patricia McGuire is being honored by the Washington Business Journal as one of 25 “Women Who Mean Business.”
President McGuire’s Trinity Update: Special 2006 Election Edition
about two Trinity women: Congresswoman Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi ’62 and Kansas Governor Kathleen Gilligan Sebelius ’70.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi ’62 Poised to Become Speaker, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius ’70 Wins Second Term
With the election of a Democratic majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in the November elections, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi ’62 is poised to become Speaker of the House in January 2007, the first woman in American history to hold this powerful position.
Trinity: Committed to the Education of D.C. Students
Trinity Reports 65% Retention/Completion Rate Among D.C. TAG Participants. Read the full report on Trinity’s commitment to the education of D.C. students and profiles of recent graduates.
President McGuire’s Remarks to the Class of 2007 at Cap and Gown Convocation
“What’s up with her outburst?” Just yesterday, I was speaking with a Trinity alumna who is now in law school. Read the full text of President McGuire’s remarks.
Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism
A Presentation by Dr. James W. Loewen, Thursday, Sept 28, 2006, O’Connor Auditorium
President’s Newsletter, Fall 2006
As the Gold Class of 2007 prepares for Cap and Gown Weekend, there is so much great news to share about the new academic year at Trinity!
Amy Costello ’92 Nominated for Emmy Award for Her PBS Program on War in Darfur, Sudan
Amy Costello ’92 was nominated for an Emmy Award in the category of Outstanding Feature in a News Magazine. Her news feature, “Sudan: The Quick and the Terrible,” was broadcast on FRONTLINE/World on PBS.