President McGuire Profiled in Washington Post Magazine Cover Story

President McGuire
The Washington Post Magazine featured a major profile of President Patricia McGuire on Sunday, February 14, 2010. The cover story portrays President McGuire as a visionary and exemplary leader who, over the past 20 years, has led Trinity’s transformation from a small college to a highly diverse, vibrant, multifaceted university that is a “model for urban higher education.” Read the profile of President McGuire: accessible version online; a print version is also available. The article includes quotes from students, faculty, alumnae and higher education leaders. In addition, three recent Trinity alumnae are profiled. The online version and print edition both feature photos of President McGuire with Trinity students that portray the dynamic energy of the Trinity community.
The magazine profile is very positive about President McGuire’s 20-year leadership of Trinity and is very affirming about the transformation of Trinity and the institution it is today. The theme of the article is summed up best by this quote: “‘If I were the administration, if I were [Education Secretary] Arne Duncan, I would say that this is the poster child for what we need to do in the next 20 years,’ said David Warren, president of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. ‘She has made Trinity, it strikes me, a national model and an inspiring place.'”
Following the publication of the Washington Post Magazine article, President McGuire was interviewed on NPR’s “Tell Me More” with Michel Martin on February 15. Listen to the interview here (click on “women’s college” on the right. )
President McGuire participated in a online discussion about the transformation of Trinity on February 16. Read the transcript.
President McGuire was also interviewed by C-SPAN television.
Washington Post Magazine Profile of President McGuire
Washington Post Online Discussion