Trustee Profile: Sr. Karl, SND ’63

Trustee Profile: Sr. M. Barbara Karl, SND ’63

Sr. M. Barbara Karl, SND '63

Hometown: Baltimore, Maryland.

Personal: Sister of Notre Dame de Namur since 1961.

Alma Mater: Trinity, College of Arts and Sciences Class of 1963.

Major: Spanish.

Graduate Study: MA, Middlebury College.

Employment: Currently executive secretary for my province – Base Communities – we have our office on the fourth floor of Trinity!

Why I chose Trinity: During many years, Trinity extended bachelor degrees to the Sisters who earned their credits during Summer School. I was a member of the third group of young Sisters who finished their degrees at Trinity before starting to teach. We received a top notch, well-rounded advanced education.

Accomplishment of which you are most proud: My greatest achievement is my life as a Sister of Notre Dame de Namur in which I have crossed paths with students, parents and teachers in both elementary and secondary schools, with parish ministers in Tidewater and in Nicaragua and with refugees displaced in the U.S., Mexico, Guatemala, South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Most memorable Trinity moment: Participating in the move of library books from first floor Main to their new home – the current library!

Last book read: One of the last books I read was The World is Flat by Thomas Freidman. He convinced me I have to continue developing my internet skills or lose out on this expanding opportunity of building relationships and sharing information with people anywhere in the world.

My idea of a perfect vacation: A cruise where I can pamper myself and have no responsibilities except to relax and enjoy.

If I were stranded on a deserted island I would have to have: Many books to keep me company.

The three people I would most like to have dinner with: The Dalai Lama so that through the personal contact I could imbibe his gentle and profound spirit; with our Sisters in Japan so they could show me some of the beauties of their Asian culture; with Graciela in La Luz to find out how she and her family are coping with the poverty in Nicaragua.

Why I am a Trinity trustee: I am a trustee because I believe as many young women as possible should have the opportunity for a higher education. Trinity is taking the steps to realize this possibility today just as it did at the foundation of the college. As an SND, I’m proud to be part of this educational enterprise called Trinity Washington University.