Pinkie Dent Mayfield ’96

Trustee Profile: Pinkie Dent Mayfield ’96

Pinke Dent Mayfield '96

Hometown: Oakland, CA.

Personal: Married to Carl A. Mayfield; one child – 18 months old.

Alma Mater: Trinity, School of Professional Studies, Class of 1996.

Major: Business Administration, magna cum laude.

Graduate Study: University of Maryland University College, MBA, 2006.

Employment: Assistant treasurer and senior director, Corporate Solutions, The Washington Post Company.

Why I chose Trinity: There were few options for adult learners when I decided to return to college to complete my undergraduate education. Weekend College (as it was called then) gave me a traditional liberal arts education in a non-traditional environment with other working professionals who also had the same career and family demands as I. The program was rigorous and challenging and I had to work very hard, but the result was a quality education. My Trinity degree prepared me for senior level management and continues to be the foundation on which many of my decisions are made. It was truly a life changing experience!

Accomplishment of which you are most proud: By far my professional accomplishments pale in comparison to my 18-month-old daughter Sydney…she is by far my greatest accomplishment! I am also really proud to be an officer of a Fortune 500 company with strong ethics and integrity.

Most memorable Trinity moment: There are two of them. The first is the day I took my last final exam. I remember going straight to 5:30 Mass at St. Augustine’s Church and crying the entire Mass. I had worked so hard days, nights, weekends, and holidays to finish my degree…I was just overwhelmed with emotion and a sense of accomplishment. The second was my first Board of Trustees meeting. I was and remain both honored and humbled to serve the institution that gave me so much. It was almost as if all the preparation I received for life on the grounds of Trinity was just for that moment in time (how powerful is that ?).

Last book read: Leadership 360 by John Maxwell.

My idea of a perfect vacation: Beach, blue water, sand and sun…any island will do!

If I were stranded on a deserted island I would have to have: Something sweet!

The three people I would most like to have dinner with: Oprah Winfrey, Alan Greenspan and Jesus the Christ.

Why I am a Trinity trustee: Trinity changed my life. I learned the art of critical thinking, how to write, business essentials, economic policy, and discovered my faith all at Trinity (what an amazing place). Not only did I receive a stellar education, but I evolved into the woman I am because of my Trinity experience. It is my honor and pleasure to serve as a trustee and I’d like to think that my service is making it possible for hundreds of other young women to realize their dreams and have the courage to make a difference in the world.