Part-Time & Professional Undergraduate Programs

Main 250 | Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Saturdays, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm |

Accelerate Your Career with a Trinity Degree

Trinity’s part-time & professional undergraduate degree programs are designed for busy professionals seeking to advance their career or make a career change.
  • A degree from Trinity Washington is an exceptional value — the cost per credit $785 is more affordable than other colleges in the region and the credential is well recognized by Washington’s top employers. Trinity’s Financial Aid staff will work with you every step of the way to help you figure out the best way to manage your course schedule and financing.
  • Trinity offers flexible evening and weekend classes and accelerated degree programs with 8-week classes  to accommodate busy students balancing school, career and family. Trinity’s locations are also convenient: Trinity’s main campus is on the Red Line, just minutes from downtown D.C. and Capitol Hill; Trinity at THEARC in southeast D.C. is on the Green Line and close to communities and employers in Maryland. Trinity is the only university to offer college degrees East of the River.
  • Transfer Students Welcome! Most students in the School of Professional Studies have taken several courses at one or more colleges and universities over the years. Like you, they are ready to finally complete their college degrees.
  • TELL – Your work and life experience may earn you credit toward your degree

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Cynthia Bond

Cynthia Bond
Enrollment Recruiter, Undergraduate Part-Time & Professional Programs

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Just Some of our Successful Graduates

Part-Time & Professional Undergraduate Programs

Trinity offers adults coming back to school or seeking flexible working-student schedules a variety of pre-bachelor’s (non-degree certificates and associate’s degrees) offerings as well as bachelor’s degrees in extremely high demand career fields.

Start your professional journey with a certification, associate’s or bachelor’s degree.

An affordable and accelerated way to get a professional certification that can get you started in a career or count toward a bachelor’s degree.

Healthcare is a quickly growing career field, and a degree from Trinity can help you go far. $785 per credit.

Turn your passion for service to your community and others into your career with a degree from Trinity. $785 per credit.

Trinity has educated some of DCPS’ most awarded teachers. Find out why a degree in education from Trinity is so sought out by employers. $785 per credit.

Looking for a degree in journalism, communication or media? Look no further than Trinity. $785 per credit.

A degree in business or administration from Trinity can position you for real success in management and leadership. $785 per credit.

Trinity Experiential and Lifelong Learning

Earn Credit for your Life Experiences

Trinity is one of a growing number of colleges and universities which are receptive to the idea of awarding credit for the learning acquired through non-college experience prior to entering or returning to the pursuit of a college degree. Such learning, frequently called prior experiential learning, may result from such activities as work experience, volunteer work, community service, travel abroad or internationally, military or Peace Corps experience, independent reading or conversations with experts. Throughout this page, we will be referring to learning that has resulted from your experience since high school and that occurred when you were not enrolled in or under the supervision of a college or university, as prior experiential learning.

If you are among these adult students who have entered or returned to college, and if you are interested in receiving credit or recognition for prior experiential learning, this information is designed to assist you to maximize the amount of credit or recognition that you might receive from Trinity.  TELL credit is available for undergraduate students pursuing a bachelor’s degree at Trinity.

Students interested in prior learning assessment will enroll in a course, the TELL Seminar (GST 301) which is designed for students who:

  1. Have been approved by an advisor to submit a portfolio in one or more disciplines.
  2. Have been accepted into the TELL program by the School of Professional Studies.

The course will focus mainly on method; during the Seminar students will conceptualize the relationship between who they are and what they have learned, and will organize materials reflecting the acquisition of expertise in an academic discipline.

The major project of GST 301is the preparation of one or more portfolios documenting the student’s prior learning. Faculty evaluators will evaluate this portfolio for the possible awarding of credit. Successful completion of GST 301 does not guarantee that students will receive experiential learning credit. The evaluation in the seminar will reflect the students’ ability to organize and to document material and to submit assignments on time.

While experiential learning has become a major movement in higher education, the difficulties in assessing these experiences are easily recognized. The purpose of this information is to assist you step by step with the task of:

  1. Deciding whether you qualify for award of experiential credit.
  2. Preparing an application for TELL.
  3. Creating, developing and assembling a portfolio that will describe and document college-creditable skills and knowledge.

Preparing a portfolio is not an easy process, and if done correctly, it can be time-consuming. Despite the difficulty, there are a number of important benefits which will result, regardless of credit or recognition you might receive.

Once you have completed a portfolio, you will have a realistic understanding of your present levels of competence–in order to plan further educational activities leading toward a degree — as well as an understanding of the assessment procedure itself, so that you will be able to provide valid information to others in order to probe what you know and can do, suggest to others how they might proceed in their attempts to fairly and accurately evaluate you, and make informed judgments as to whether or not procedures that are being used by others are the best and most appropriate available.

These capabilities are especially important to you as you continue your education both formally and informally.

How it works

Many adult students have felt that some of their non-college experiences are equivalent to what is taught in college and that they should receive credit for those experiences toward a college degree. Colleges generally do not award credit for raw experience itself, however.  Awarding credit or recognition is generally for the verifiable learning outcomes of non-college experiences: that is, if those experiences have applicability to
academic learning (liberal arts).

If you decide to enroll in Trinity’s TELL program, you will find that the college will not award credit simply for your years of experience. You will be required to demonstrate what important knowledge, skills or values (competencies) you have attained as a result of your experiences.

Generally speaking, your competencies (knowledge, skills and/or values) must meet certain criteria:

  • The knowledge should be publicly verifiable. You should be able to document and demonstrate to an expert in the field that you possess the knowledge.
  • The knowledge should be equivalent to college-level work in terms of quality. In general the prior knowledge and experience should be related to courses in the catalog or to the requirements for
  • The knowledge or experience should have an academic subject matter or knowledge base. Credit will not be given for manual skills nor for a narrowly prescribed routine or procedure.
  • The learning should have general applicability outside of the specific situation in which it was acquired. For example, credit will not be awarded for knowledge of specific personnel procedures and application which apply to only one company.  However, credit might be awarded for knowledge and experience in the principles of human resource management, of which personnel applications is one small component.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Prior Learning Assessment?
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) refers to a variety of means for receiving credit for education that has taken place outside the traditional classroom setting. TELL is one example of PLA. Others include the CLEP and DANTES exams and ACE credits.

Trinity allows students to apply up to 30 Prior Learning Assessment credits toward their degree. This can include a combination of TELL, CLEP, DANTES, and ACE credits.  Any prior learning credits awarded must also be in addition to the minimum 45 Trinity credits required for a degree.  Students must also meet all CORE and major requirements. Some of these can be met through prior learning assessment.

What is TELL?
TELL, the Trinity Experiential Lifelong Learning program, enables students to apply for credit for prior learning by putting together a portfolio of essays demonstrating knowledge equivalent to 200-level college courses. Students write their essays as part of a portfolio development course (known as the TELL Seminar) that carries 3 credits.

What is CLEP?
CLEP is the College Level Examination Program. It is a series of standardized tests that allows students to earn lower-level course credit. CLEP offers General and Subject Matter exams.

The General Exams include English Composition, Mathematics, Social Sciences and History, Humanities, and Natural Sciences. The Subject Exams are more specific (American History I: Early Colonizations to 1877, College Spanish I and II, Introductory Accounting, etc.).

These exams can be taken at University of Maryland, College Park and Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria Campus. Fees vary by site, but are generally around $100.00 to $150.00 per exam. The College Board publishes study guides for CLEP exams.

CLEP brochures are available at Trinity’s School of Professional Studies, Main 250.

Questions about School of Professional Studies CLEP policies?

You may contact the School of Professional Studies at (202) 884-9620 and your advisor will assist you.

Where can I register for CLEP examinations?

University of Maryland provides CLEP examinations, click on this link to visit the site:  CLEP Examinations at the University of Maryland.  This website provides all the information you will need to identify the specific CLEP test in which youare interested, determine available testing appointment times, locate information about parking and the building location, and similar information. Students with questions about CLEP testing at the University of Maryland  may call the UMCP Testing Office at (301) 314-7688.

Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), Alexandria Campus provides CLEP examinations, click on this link to visit the site:  CLEP Examinations at NOVA.  This website provides all the information you will need to identify the specific CLEP test in which youare interested, determine available testing appointment times, locate information about parking and the building location, and similar information. Students with questions about CLEP testing at NOVA may call the Workforce Development Office at (703) 845-6280.

What is DANTES?
DANTES stands for Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support. It is a series of exams much like the CLEP exams. These tests were originally designed for the Department of Defense and have been
used for many years by military personnel.

What is ACE?
ACE is the American Council on Education, or the College Credit Recommendation service. This organization has established policies that are followed by most colleges and universities in the U.S. ACE has evaluated courses offered by many large corporations, government agencies and the military, and recommends college credits for some of these courses. If you have taken training courses through your employer and have documentation for them, you can have them evaluated for credit by ACE for a $25 initial assessment fee and an additional $5 fee for official transcripts. Trinity may accept some of these credits (ACE: 202/939-9434).

Reminder: You may apply no more than 30 prior learning credits toward your degree and must meet all CORE and major requirements. Policies vary by department, so check with your Academic Advisor before proceeding with TELL or any examination program. It is especially important to guard against earning duplicate credits for courses that may be very similar.  Additionally, experiential learning credits do not fulfill residency requirements and may not be taken in your final three (3) semesters.

About the School of Professional Studies

Mr. Thomas Mostowy
Dean of Professional and Graduate Studies


Thomas Mostowy, Esq. has been an instructor in higher education since 2003 and at Trinity since 2008.  At Trinity he has served as the Assistant Professor/Program Chair and academic leader for Criminal Justice in the School of Professional Studies, Chair of the Academic Honesty Review Board, and Chair of the University Curriculum and Academic Policy (UCAP) Committee. Prior to his career in higher education, Mr. Mostowy Served as the Executive Assistant to the Chief Judge of the Maryland District Court, where he lead the development and implementation of a system to provide access to civil protective orders in domestic violence cases on a 24/7 basis using existing resources, including legislation and a Constitutional Amendment with support and input from diverse stakeholders.  He also started the District Court Alternative Dispute Resolution program, which evolved into the District Court ADR Office, and organized the first statewide conference on criminal case mediation.  Prior to his service in court administration, Mr. Mostowy had been a trial lawyer and a minor judicial officer in the Virginia courts.

As a first-generation college graduate, Dean Mostowy has always held a strong belief in the transformative power of higher education and Trinity’s mission to provide that opportunity to underserved populations in pursuit of social justice.   Dean Mostowy holds a B.A. in Political Science from Syracuse University, a B.S. in Newspaper Journalism from Syracuse University, and a Juris Doctorate from The George Washington University.

Ms. Cristina Lynch
Assistant Dean, School of Professional & Graduate Studies
Program Director for Trinity at THEARC


Since 2018, Cristina Lynch has served as Director of Trinity at THEARC, a branch of Trinity within Southeast, DC. As director, she has been responsible for assisting adult students successfully complete various associate degree programs such as the Associate of Arts in General Studies, Early Childhood Education, Health Services and the Community Health Worker Certificate. In so doing, she has also helped students seamlessly transition to the main campus. Mrs. Lynch possesses a Bachelor of Science in Systems Organizations Management and a Master of Arts in Community Agency Counseling from Hampton University. In addition to being a Hampton graduate, she comes to Trinity from Hampton University where she served for 17 years combined in various capacities such as Director of Upward Bound, Director of the Annual Fund, and Director of the Assessment Center/Student Success Center. Throughout her professional career, she has been an avid student advocate whose motto is “Building Futures Today.”

Full-time Faculty and Advising Program Chairs

Dr. Marie Celeste, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education

Dr. Marie Celeste is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education. Dr. Celeste holds a doctorate degree in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) from GWU and a credential in Infant / Early Childhood Mental Health (I/ECMH) from the UMD’s School of Medicine and certification as a Circle of Security Parent Facilitator. As an Associate Professor in the School of Professional development, Dr. Celeste has prepared early childhood educators at the pre-service, undergraduate and graduate levels. She is passionate about improving opportunities for young children (with and without special needs) and their families, by supporting a systems approach to trauma-informed practices in early care and education settings. In doing so, she has worked directly with child care and early education programs, Head Start programs as well as local and state governments to develop trauma-informed practices and implement policies that maintain compliance with state and federal mandates.

Contact Dr. Celeste at or at 202-884-9285. Her office is located in Main 241.

Cristina Lynch, M.A., Director and Advisor of THEARC


Ms. Cristina Lynch serves as Director of Trinity at THEARC. She has spent her career in higher education as a manager and a counselor advising students and helping them navigate their academic and professional goals. She is committed to helping to increase student retention and graduation rates. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Systems Organization Management and a Master’s in Community Agency Counseling from Hampton University. She manages the associate degree program at THEARC, providing student support and academic advising and working closely with our professors and partners at THEARC.

Contact Ms. Lynch at or at 202-884-9622. Her office is located in Main 250.

Mr. Thomas Mostowy, Esq., Assistant Professor and Program Chair of Criminal Justice

Thomas Mostowy, Esq. is the Assistant Professor/Program Chair and academic leader for Criminal Justice in the School of Professional Studies. Professor Mostowy holds a B.A. in Political Science from Syracuse University, a B.S. in Newspaper Journalism from Syracuse University,and a Juris Doctorate from The George Washington University. Mr. Mostowy advises Criminal Justice students who have the last name beginning with an A or a B.

Contact Dr. Mostowy at or at 202-884-9233/9620. His office is located in Main 250.

Dr. Daryl Thorne, Ed.D., Assistant Professor and Program Chair of Human Relations

Dr. Daryl Thorne is the Assistant Professor/Program Chair of Human Relations.  Dr. Thorne holds an Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology with a concentration in Counselor Education and Supervision from Argosy University, an M.Ed. Guidance & Counseling, K-12 certified, from Bowie State University, and a B.A. in Mass Communications from the Seton Hall University.  Dr. Thorne advises Human Relations students who have the last name beginning with an A or a B.

Contact Dr. Thorne at or at 202-884-9626/9620. Her office is located in Main 348.

Instructional Specialist

Khabeer Salaam, M.A.., Math Instructional Specialist

Khabeer Salaam serves as Math Specialist and Assistant Professor at Trinity Washington University School of Professional Studies.  Mr. Salaam has taught at Howard University within the Engineering department, and served as math instructor for the Center for Academic Excellence.  He earned a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, a B.S. in Mathematics and a Masters of Mechanical Engineering from Howard University.  Mr. Salaam teaches the foundational math courses at Trinity and provides the following resources; academic support, tutoring, workshops and building the curriculum to help students be successful in math.  Contact Khabeer@ or 202-884-9265- Main 452

Full-time faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education often also teach in the School of Professional Studies.