Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Dr. Sonya Cole, Assistant Professor and Chair of Business Programs (program chair)
Mr. Javier Lopez, Assistant Professor, Leadership and Administration


Trinity’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) online program demonstrates its unwavering commitment to diversity, inclusion, equity and excellence in studies and life. The MBA program is designed for working professionals who are ready to take on leadership roles within their organizations. Individuals who majored in areas outside of Business Administration in college may also seek an MBA to rise within their current organization or prepare for a new career field. Students gain comprehensive business knowledge while acquiring the skills and tools necessary to excel and innovate in any working environment.

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is offered 100% online. It is a 48-credit program with sixteen core courses (39 credit hours) providing the solid foundation for graduate business education and three elective courses (9 credit hours) in the Entrepreneurship, Leadership, or Strategic Communications concentrations. Courses are pragmatic and relevant in today’s constantly evolving work environments. The flexible schedule offers courses in the evenings and on weekends in traditional weekly, alternate weekend and accelerated 8-week formats.

Significant individual study and guided independent learning throughout each course are required to meet the objectives of each course and the overall goals of the program.  Students normally take three courses online per semester and complete their degree in five semesters (21 months). The average time for completion is approximately 2 years.

Degree Requirements

Core Courses (39 credits)
BADM 605 Business Law
BADM 607 Managerial Statistics
BADM 608 Business Analytics
BADM 621 Economics for Business Decision Making
BADM 622 Macroeconomics and the Global Economy
BADM 625 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BADM 627 Corporate Finance
BADM 635 Entrepreneurial Financing
BADM 641 Technology and Operations Management
BADM 651 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
BADM 657 Project Management
BADM 697 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Social Responsibility
SCPR 530 Crisis Communications
BADM 699 MBA Capstone

Elective Concentrations (9 credits)
Students should consult with an academic advisor to select electives specific to their concentration.

Program Policies

Capstone Semester: The Master of Business in Administration degree program requires students to complete a comprehensive final project in the Capstone seminar.  The project will challenge students to leverage the knowledge, skills, and tools acquired throughout the program to 1) provide actionable data-informed solutions to an organizational challenge or project specific problem for a host entity; or, 2) formulate operational strategies, develop and test hypotheses, and conduct effective research that leads to a strategic business or implementation plan a startup. Student teams, will present their findings at the end of the semester in a formal presentation to the client and a panel of faculty. Students must earn a grade of “B” or better on this project to complete the program.

Grades in Graduate Courses: Students must maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 to graduate and no more than one (1) grade of “C” may appear on their graduate school transcript.

Pass/No Pass: Graduate students may not take courses on a Pass/No Pass basis; courses taken Pass/No Pass do not fulfill certificate requirements.

TELL Policy:TELL credits are not applicable toward the degree.

Transfer Policy: Students may transfer up to six (6) graduate credits from other appropriately accredited institutions of higher learning toward the degree with approval from their faculty advisor. Associations recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHEA) confer appropriate accreditation; these associations include but are not limited to regional accreditors.

Course Descriptions

ADMN 617 Crisis Leadership: Response and Resolution
ADMN 661 Leaders and Complex Organizations
ADMN 665 Strategy and Organizational Culture
ADMN 669 Engaging Organizational Change
BADM 605 Business Law
BADM 607 Managerial Statistics
BADM 608 Business Analytics
BADM 621 Economics for Business Decision Making
BADM 622 Macroeconomics and the Global Economy
BADM 625 Financial and Managerial Accounting
BADM 627 Corporate Finance
BADM 633 Entrepreneurial Marketing and Sales
BADM 635 Entrepreneurial Financing
BADM 641 Technology and Operations Management
BADM 651 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
BADM 697 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Social Responsibility
BADM 699 MBA Capstone
SCPR 530 Crisis Communications