Early Childhood Education (B.A.)
This undergraduate program is offered by the School of Professional Studies.
Dr. Marie Celeste, Associate Professor of Education and faculty in the School of Education support Trinity’s early childhood education program.
In conjunction with the School of Education, the School of Professional Studies offers a B.A. in Early Childhood Education.
This education major prepares students for teaching careers in early childhood education, which focuses on children ages 3 through 8. Candidates who successfully complete the B.A. major in education and fulfill the other requirements set by the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (O.S.S.E.) are eligible for teacher certification in D.C. and in other jurisdictions, as determined by reciprocity agreements.
Trinity’s B.A. in Early Childhood Education is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, approved by the District of Columbia Office of the State Superintendent of Education, and nationally recognized by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Program Requirements
Acceptance Criteria and Advising
Interested students should direct any questions about the process for formal acceptance into the education major to their undergraduate advisor in the School of Professional Studies. Students majoring in education should follow the required sequence of courses. This course sequence is designed to contribute to a liberal arts education while preparing students in content areas that, as early childhood teachers, they will be teaching. As early childhood teacher licensure requires minimum grades in major courses as well as minimum qualifying scores on licensure exams, the program is structured to help our students meet those requirements.
Formal acceptance into the Early Childhood Education program requires:
- A minimum grade of “B” (3.0) or better in all courses taken as major requirements (both pre-acceptance EDCC and EDTE courses and all courses taken as major requirements).
- Overall GPA of at least 2.5.
- Qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 300-level or above, with the exception of EDTE 301.
- Note: The Praxis I exam may only be attempted twice. Students who do not earn qualifying scores after the second attempt can submit a petition to attempt the test a third time.
Students who are not interested in pursuing licensure as an early childhood teacher should speak to their undergraduate advisor in the School of Professional Studies to discuss how completing a degree in Early Childhood Communication Education can still allow graduates to work in various early childhood educational settings. The District of Columbia Career Guide for Early Childhood and Out of School Time Professionals can also help students make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue teacher licensure.
Field-Based Instruction
Teacher preparation at Trinity emphasizes field-based instruction that includes a series of mandated integrated field experiences and practicum experiences at different grade/age levels in a variety of school settings.
School districts, individual schools, and other service providers vary in their requirements for entering their site and observing students. Most schools and service providers require a Tuberculosis test (TB), fingerprinting, and a criminal background check prior to activities that bring the university candidate into working contact with clients/students.
Prior to observing or working with individuals or groups as required by courses (course assignments, field experience, practicum), a Trinity candidate must have communicated with the site, prior to their arrival, to ensure the candidate will have met any specific site prerequisites .
A sample course requiring field experience:
BA Main Campus |
EDCC 340- Teaching and Learning |
Requires each candidate to observe two teachers in an early childhood classroom for a total of 15 hours. |
Application for Student Teaching
Undergraduate students may not student teach until all of the following conditions are met:
- Core Curriculum requirements are completed,
- Educational Core courses are completed,
- Education Methods courses are completed, and
- Praxis I and II is passed.
During the semester before prospective teachers plan to student teach, they must submit an application for student teaching. This form must be signed by the student and the student’s advisor. Failure to complete this form and obtain the requisite approvals may disqualify prospective teachers from student teaching. The completed and signed form is due to the program within two weeks of the opening of registration for the semester in which the student wishes to student teach.
A Tuberculosis test (TB) and a background check is required the semester before the pre-student teaching experiences (practicum) and student teaching (Internship).
Major Requirements
Early Childhood Education students must complete a set of required courses. With the exception of EDTE 301, students must also provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 300-level or above. Students are strongly encouraged to take courses in the recommended sequence.
Education majors must earn a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) or better in all courses taken as major requirements (both pre-acceptance major requirements courses and all courses taken as major requirements after acceptance to the program).
Co-requisite Courses
In addition to all courses in the Core Curriculum, students must take:
POLS 103 The American Political ProcessOffers an introduction to the American political and governmental system, with emphasis on the processes, institutions, and actors involved in the system. Case studies are used to focus on contemporary issues and their backgrounds. Formerly PSC 123 American Political Process
3 credits
Core Area II: Understanding the Self and Society
MATH 115 Mathematics for EducatorsThis core mathematics course covers numbers and quantity, data interpretation and representation, and algebra and geometry. This course will include a lab and online component providing a rigorous immersion into the content area. The content of this course will help to prepare students for the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators: Mathematics (5733) test.
3 credits
Pre-Acceptance Major Requirements
Students take ALL of these courses before admission into the early childhood education program:
EDCC 205 Children, Families, Culture and the Community in Early ChildhoodThis course examines relationships among schools, children and families, introducing the complex social and cultural factors that influence children's development and learning, as well as the ethical guidelines that determine professional conduct. Within an orientation to the theoretical and developmental foundations of early learning education of young children, the course emphasizes current issues regarding families, community, and cultural diversity.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 207 Development of Learning Experiences in Early Childhood EducationThis course examines the historical, theoretical, and developmental foundations for learning in young children, birth to age 8 (specifically, pre-K to 3rd grade). Students learn how to create developmentally and individually appropriate lesson and activity plans. Learning experiences integrate the various content areas of literacy, math, science, social studies, and the arts, and incorporate the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 211 Development of Early Childhood Oral Language and Literacy SkillsThis course introduces strategies for helping young children acquire communication skills. The contribution of appropriate children's literature to literacy development is demonstrated. Activities, materials, and lessons in these areas emphasize developmentally appropriate practices. This course requires a 10 hour on-site field component.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 213 Observation, Description and Measurement of Growth in Early ChildhoodIn this introductory course, students use developmentally appropriate observation and record keeping strategies to reflect upon, improve, maintain, and extend learning. Tools and techniques that promote growth across all domains of early childhood development-social-emotional, cognitive, and physical, and across language and other content areas-will be discussed and explored. This course requires a 10-hour on-site field component.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 215 Human Growth & DevlopmentReviews introductory theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of human development and relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains of the individual in her environment. Highlights critical life events and resulting change from the prenatal period through adulthood, stressing interactions between the developing person and a continually evolving world.
3 credits
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 250 Technology in EducationPrepares teacher candidates to integrate technology, teaching, and learning. Students will access, incorporate, and evaluate technologies in order to support understanding, inquiry, assessment, communication, and collaboration. Tools include multi-media hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and other digital-age resources. Students will practice digital citizenship and responsibility.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the ClassroomProvides students with a critical understanding of the visual arts, music, movement, and drama for young children and the importance of integrating arts into the curriculum. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to plan developmentally appropriate activities which integrate creative experiences in the visual arts, music, dance/movement, and drama within the early childhood and elementary classroom curriculum. Formerly FNAR 232 - Art and Movement in the Classroom.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
General Education Area II: Knowledge and Inquiry (Fine Arts)
EDTE 292 Praxis PreparationPrepares candidates for Praxis Core tests in reading, math, and writing. Successful completion of Praxis Core is required to declare a major in early childhood or elementary education. Delivered on-line, includes components such as diagnostics, lessons, and full-length practice exams.
*1 credit
Major Requirements
Students take ALL of the following courses after admission into the program:
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
Prerequsites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDTE 401 Classroom AssessmentProvides teacher education candidates with a wide spectrum of tools to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the different types and applications of formal and informal assessments, including authentic and performance-based assessment, standardized tests, and individual assessments. Candidates gain practical experience in creating classroom assessments and analyzing results of different assessment tools. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequsites:EDTE 301; Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDTE 421 Emergent LiteracyExamines the fundamentals of developmental reading instruction, including reading readiness. Teacher candidates learn a wide range of research- and practice- based strategies, including experience records procedures, reciprocal reading and writing activities, and cross-curricular strategies for reading comprehension. Candidates gain an understanding of phonological awareness and concepts of print as well as early literacy acquisition to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening and thinking skills. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early LearningDevelops understanding of the developmental continuum of oral communication and literacy acquisition in early learners and young children (PreK-Grade 3). Prepares teacher candidates to use developmentally appropriate techniques for assessment, planning, instruction, and creation of learning opportunities. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency, as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Candidates further learn how to infuse language and literacy through children's literature and across the curriculum. Course content includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Must have passing scores on Praxis Core Examination submitted to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
SPS Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 421 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early LearningProvides teacher candidates with understanding of both current and historical theory, research, and practices in the education of young learners (Pre-K-3rd grade). Incorporating the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development, teacher candidates create developmentally and individually appropriate lessons, activities, and resources. Curricula integrate content areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts.For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program. Must have passing scores on Praxis Core Examination submitted to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & ScienceResearch and practice bases for early learners' acquisition of experiences and concepts that are critical to learning mathematics and science are explored. Teacher candidates construct activities, lessons, and units for learning mathematics and science and for integrating them across the curriculum. Emphasis is on strategies and materials that are activity-centered and address the needs of different learners. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 432 with a grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program. Must have passing scores for the Praxis Core Examination sent to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
EDCC 440 Research in EducationDesigned to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to become critical consumers and competent producers of research, this course covers research essentials to inform teaching and instructional practice. Research in Education broadens students' knowledge of the empirical literature and current trends in curriculum and teaching with a focus on characteristics and educational needs of students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Students will evaluate research methodologies and results along with demographic and assessment information, and will learn to translate the information to demonstrate their ability to understand, analyze, and synthesize research. As a final course requirement, students plan an action research project that will be implemented during their student teaching internship.
3 credits
Prerequisite: EDTE 301, Admission to the School of Education. Must have passing scores for the Praxis Core Examination sent to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
EDTE 471 Student Teaching Early Childhood EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an early childhood education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. Candidates must apply for student teaching the semester prior to placement and have passed the Internship Readiness Assessment. Internship placements are arranged by the University. Candidates will be at their placement full-time, 5 days a week for the entire semester.
For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
9 credits
Prerequisites: Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 499. Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 499.
EDTE 499 Advanced Seminar in TeachingThe seminar is a companion to and taken concurrently with student teaching. This culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences and to revisit the theories and practices of teaching as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific classroom placement. Interns also focus on career planning and development as well the production of a portfolio (e-portfolio) containing specific requirements.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 473 Student Teaching.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 471 Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 471
Program Policies
Fingerprinting and Nationwide Criminal Background Check: School districts, individual schools, and other service providers vary in their requirements for entering their site and observing students. Most schools and service providers require a Tuberculosis test (TB), fingerprinting, and a criminal background check prior to activities that bring the university candidate into working contact with clients/students. Additionally, in order to be licensed, professionals in the field of teaching must undergo fingerprinting and a nationwide criminal background within a year of application for licensure.
Advanced Placement: Credits earned through Advanced Placement Examinations may fulfill core curriculum for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a 4 or 5 on the examination and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.
CLEP Policy: Credits earned through C.L.E.P. Examinations may fulfill core curriculum for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a score that confers credit following the guidelines of the A.C.E. and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.
Attendance Policy: In all 300- and 400-level EDCC/EDTE courses, two late arrivals or early departures of 20 minutes or more constitute a single class absence, and any student with class absences or the equivalent that total more than 2 weeks’ worth of class meetings automatically fail the course. Faculty teaching EDCC/EDTE courses at the 200-level may adopt this policy in their syllabi as well, and faculty teaching EDCC/EDTE courses at any level may adopt a stricter policy in their syllabi.
Grades in Education Courses: Undergraduate students are required to earn a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) or better in all courses taken as major requirements (both pre-acceptance EDCC and EDTE courses and all courses taken as major requirements).
Pass/No Pass: Courses fulfilling the major, including core curriculum courses required for certification, may not be taken Pass/No Pass.
Student Assessment: Assessments of student proficiencies required of students in the major are further described on the School of Education page concerning the Student Assessment System.
Study Abroad: Courses taken through a study abroad program approved by Trinity may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, education courses taken abroad will not count toward the major.
Praxis Policy: Students must provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 300-level or above, with the exception of EDTE 301. The Praxis I exam may only be attempted twice. Students who do not earn qualifying scores after the second attempt can submit a petition to attempt the test a third time.
Experiential Credit Policy: Credits earned through experience may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, experiential credits may not substitute for education courses counted toward the major.
Transfer Credits: Transfer credits may be awarded only after appropriate program review. Courses at the 400-level and above must be completed at Trinity. Courses taken as part of the School of Education program of study must be taken at Trinity.
Course Descriptions
Explanation of Course Prefixes and Numbers Courses designated “EDCC” are education core and common courses across various programs in the School of Education. Courses designated “EDTE” are largely specific to the teacher education program. Students must provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 300-level or above, with the exception of EDTE 301.
EDCC – Education Core and Common Courses
EDCC 205 Children, Families, Culture and the Community in Early ChildhoodThis course examines relationships among schools, children and families, introducing the complex social and cultural factors that influence children's development and learning, as well as the ethical guidelines that determine professional conduct. Within an orientation to the theoretical and developmental foundations of early learning education of young children, the course emphasizes current issues regarding families, community, and cultural diversity.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 207 Development of Learning Experiences in Early Childhood EducationThis course examines the historical, theoretical, and developmental foundations for learning in young children, birth to age 8 (specifically, pre-K to 3rd grade). Students learn how to create developmentally and individually appropriate lesson and activity plans. Learning experiences integrate the various content areas of literacy, math, science, social studies, and the arts, and incorporate the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 211 Development of Early Childhood Oral Language and Literacy SkillsThis course introduces strategies for helping young children acquire communication skills. The contribution of appropriate children's literature to literacy development is demonstrated. Activities, materials, and lessons in these areas emphasize developmentally appropriate practices. This course requires a 10 hour on-site field component.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 213 Observation, Description and Measurement of Growth in Early ChildhoodIn this introductory course, students use developmentally appropriate observation and record keeping strategies to reflect upon, improve, maintain, and extend learning. Tools and techniques that promote growth across all domains of early childhood development-social-emotional, cognitive, and physical, and across language and other content areas-will be discussed and explored. This course requires a 10-hour on-site field component.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 215 Human Growth & DevlopmentReviews introductory theory and research in human growth and development over the life span. Focus is on the interdisciplinary nature of human development and relationships among the biological, cognitive, social, and psychological domains of the individual in her environment. Highlights critical life events and resulting change from the prenatal period through adulthood, stressing interactions between the developing person and a continually evolving world.
3 credits
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 250 Technology in EducationPrepares teacher candidates to integrate technology, teaching, and learning. Students will access, incorporate, and evaluate technologies in order to support understanding, inquiry, assessment, communication, and collaboration. Tools include multi-media hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and other digital-age resources. Students will practice digital citizenship and responsibility.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
Prerequsites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDTE -Teacher Education Courses
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the ClassroomProvides students with a critical understanding of the visual arts, music, movement, and drama for young children and the importance of integrating arts into the curriculum. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to plan developmentally appropriate activities which integrate creative experiences in the visual arts, music, dance/movement, and drama within the early childhood and elementary classroom curriculum. Formerly FNAR 232 - Art and Movement in the Classroom.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
General Education Area II: Knowledge and Inquiry (Fine Arts)
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDTE 401 Classroom AssessmentProvides teacher education candidates with a wide spectrum of tools to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the different types and applications of formal and informal assessments, including authentic and performance-based assessment, standardized tests, and individual assessments. Candidates gain practical experience in creating classroom assessments and analyzing results of different assessment tools. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequsites:EDTE 301; Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement
EDTE 421 Emergent LiteracyExamines the fundamentals of developmental reading instruction, including reading readiness. Teacher candidates learn a wide range of research- and practice- based strategies, including experience records procedures, reciprocal reading and writing activities, and cross-curricular strategies for reading comprehension. Candidates gain an understanding of phonological awareness and concepts of print as well as early literacy acquisition to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening and thinking skills. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis Core or other state-required examination. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early LearningDevelops understanding of the developmental continuum of oral communication and literacy acquisition in early learners and young children (PreK-Grade 3). Prepares teacher candidates to use developmentally appropriate techniques for assessment, planning, instruction, and creation of learning opportunities. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency, as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Candidates further learn how to infuse language and literacy through children's literature and across the curriculum. Course content includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Must have passing scores on Praxis Core Examination submitted to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
SPS Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 421 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early LearningProvides teacher candidates with understanding of both current and historical theory, research, and practices in the education of young learners (Pre-K-3rd grade). Incorporating the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development, teacher candidates create developmentally and individually appropriate lessons, activities, and resources. Curricula integrate content areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts.For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program. Must have passing scores on Praxis Core Examination submitted to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & ScienceResearch and practice bases for early learners' acquisition of experiences and concepts that are critical to learning mathematics and science are explored. Teacher candidates construct activities, lessons, and units for learning mathematics and science and for integrating them across the curriculum. Emphasis is on strategies and materials that are activity-centered and address the needs of different learners. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 432 with a grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program. Must have passing scores for the Praxis Core Examination sent to the School of Education by ETS. Students who are enrolled in the Community Education program are exempt from the Praxis Core requirement.
EDTE 471 Student Teaching Early Childhood EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an early childhood education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. Candidates must apply for student teaching the semester prior to placement and have passed the Internship Readiness Assessment. Internship placements are arranged by the University. Candidates will be at their placement full-time, 5 days a week for the entire semester.
For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
9 credits
Prerequisites: Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 499. Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 499.
EDTE 499 Advanced Seminar in TeachingThe seminar is a companion to and taken concurrently with student teaching. This culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences and to revisit the theories and practices of teaching as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific classroom placement. Interns also focus on career planning and development as well the production of a portfolio (e-portfolio) containing specific requirements.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 473 Student Teaching.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 471 Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 471