Community Education (B.A.)

This undergraduate program is offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.


Dr. Jennifer Lee, Assistant Professor of Early Childhood Education (program chair)

Faculty in the School of Education also support Trinity’s undergraduate education program.


The College of Arts and Sciences offers a 39-credit major in community education. This is a non-licensure major for students interested in working in community-based organizations that engage in a variety of educational services to youth.  A community education major supports Trinity’s mission to provide a strong foundation in liberal arts combined with high-quality professional preparation for women in the Washington DC metro region.  The community education degree will combine education courses with a variety of courses in psychology, sociology, human relations, and business administration to provide students with a thorough preparation for working in community services with an emphasis in education.  The major will culminate with a semester-long service learning project and a semester-long internship. Graduates will amass over 300 hours working in the field with experienced nonprofit and community professionals and provide valuable services to the Washington DC metro region.

The community education major prepares students to work in non-profit or community-based organizations that provide education-related services to youth. Students who select this major WILL NOT meet the requirements set by the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (O.S.S.E.) and WILL NOT be eligible for teacher certification in D.C. and in other jurisdictions.

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences may also pursue a minor in community education. 

Major Requirements

Required Major Courses (18 credits)

All of the following courses:
EDCC 220 Foundations of Education
EDCC 250 Technology in Education
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the Classroom *(satisfies general education requirement)
EDCC 205 Children, Families, Culture and the Community in Early Childhood
PSYC 231 Child Psychology
EDCM 301 Education in the Community
EDCM 302 Service Learning in Community Education

All of the experiential courses (9 credits):

EDCM 401 Internship in Community Education I
EDCM 402 Internship in Community Education II
EDCM 420 Research Seminar in Community Education

Four electives chosen in consultation with your advisor (12 credits):

EDCM 403 Internship in Community Education III
EDCM 404 Internship in Community Education IV
EDCM 426 Research Problems in Community Education
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth
EDCC 340 Teaching and Learning
EDTE 321 Reading Materials
EDTE 421 Emergent Literacy
EDTE 422 Teaching Methods for Elementary Mathematics
EDTE 423 Teaching Methods for Science
EDTE 424 Teaching Methods for Social Studies
EDTE 425 Teaching Methods for Reading and Language Arts
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early Learning
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early Learning
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & Science
BADM 101 Introduction to Business
BADM 226 Organizational Behavior
BADM 236 Theories of Leadership
BADM 232 Mastering Management: Interpersonal Effectiveness for the Workplace
BADM 328 Business, Government, and Society
BADM 352 Managing a Diverse Workforce
COM 201 Interpersonal Communication
HUMR 214 Family Violence and Child Abuse
POLS 305 Public Policy
PSYC 325 Behavior Disorders in Children
SOCY 261 Family and Society
SOCY 323 Race and Racism in Society
SOCY 361 The Black Family
SOCY 335 Social Movements

Recommended Clusters for Electives:

Early Childhood Development

HUMR 214 Family Violence and Child Abuse
EDTE 421 Emergent Literacy
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early Learning
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & Science

Teaching and Learning in the Community

EDCC 340 Teaching and Learning
EDTE 421 Emergent Literacy
EDTE 424 Teaching Methods for Social Studies
EDTE 425 Teaching Methods for Reading and Language Arts

Special Education Advocacy

EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth
PSYC 325 Behavior Disorders in Children
SOCY 261 Family and Society

Equity and Diversity

SOCY 261 Family and Society
SOCY 323 Race and Racism in Society
SOCY 361 The Black Family
SOCY 321 Inequality and Society

Education, Organizations, and Leadership

BADM 101 Introduction to Business
BADM 236 Theories of Leadership
BADM 328 Business, Government, and Society
POLS 305 Public Policy

Minor Requirements

Students in the College of Arts and Sciences may pursue a minor in community education. Students minoring in community education must complete 18 credits of course work.

Required Courses (18 credits)
ALL of the following courses:

EDCM 301 Education in the Community
EDCM 302 Service Learning in Community Education
EDCM 401 Internship in Community Education I
EDCM 402 Internship in Community Education II
EDCM 420 Research Seminar in Community Education
EDCM 426 Research Problems in Community Education

Program Policies

Advanced Placement:

Credits earned through Advanced Placement Examinations may fulfill general education for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a 4 or 5 on the examination and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.

CLEP Policy:
Credits earned through CLEP Examinations may fulfill general education for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a score that confers credit following the guidelines of the ACE and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.

Grades in Major Courses:
Students are required to earn a grade of “C-” (1.7) or better in all courses counted to fulfill requirements for the major with the exception of EDCM 420 Research Seminar in Community Education.  In that course, students must earn a grade of “B” (3.0) to fulfill the requirements for the major.

Pass/No Pass:
Courses fulfilling the major or minor — including general education courses required for certification — may not be taken Pass/No Pass.

Student Assessment:
Assessments of student proficiencies required of students in the major or minor are further described on the School of Education page, concerning the Student Assessment System.

Study Abroad:
Courses taken through a study abroad program approved by Trinity may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, education courses taken abroad will not count toward the major or minor.

Experiential Credit Policy:
Credits earned through experience may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, experiential credits may not substitute for education courses counted toward the major or minor.

Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits may be awarded only after appropriate program review. Courses at the 400-level and above must be completed at Trinity. Courses taken as part of the School of Education program of study must be taken at Trinity.

Course Descriptions

BADM 101 Introduction to Business
BADM 226 Organizational Behavior
BADM 232 Mastering Management: Interpersonal Effectiveness for the Workplace
BADM 236 Theories of Leadership
BADM 328 Business, Government, and Society
BADM 352 Managing a Diverse Workforce
COM 201 Interpersonal Communication
EDCC 205 Children, Families, Culture and the Community in Early Childhood
EDCC 220 Foundations of Education
EDCC 250 Technology in Education
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth
EDCC 340 Teaching and Learning
EDCM 301 Education in the Community
EDCM 302 Service Learning in Community Education
EDCM 401 Internship in Community Education I
EDCM 402 Internship in Community Education II
EDCM 403 Internship in Community Education III
EDCM 420 Research Seminar in Community Education
EDCM 426 Research Problems in Community Education
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the Classroom
EDTE 321 Reading Materials
EDTE 421 Emergent Literacy
EDTE 422 Teaching Methods for Elementary Mathematics
EDTE 423 Teaching Methods for Science
EDTE 424 Teaching Methods for Social Studies
EDTE 425 Teaching Methods for Reading and Language Arts
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early Learning
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early Learning
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & Science
HUMR 214 Family Violence and Child Abuse
POLS 305 Public Policy
PSYC 231 Child Psychology
PSYC 325 Behavior Disorders in Children
SOCY 261 Family and Society
SOCY 323 Race and Racism in Society
SOCY 335 Social Movements
SOCY 361 The Black Family