Mathematics (B.S.)


Dr. Kerry Luse, Clare Boothe Luce Associate Professor of Mathematics (program chair)
Mr. Hani Aladmaai, Director of Information Technology (Computer Science)
Dr. Lee Chiang, Associate Professor of Mathematics
Dr. Sita Ramamurti, Professor of Mathematics, Dean of College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Kaitlin Wellens, Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Biology (Data Analytics)

The mathematics program is also supported by a dedicated team of Instructional Specialists.


The study of mathematics is an integral part of a liberal arts education.  All students need to develop critical skills in problem solving and analytical thinking. The mathematics program at Trinity serves the community at large and offers mathematics students many opportunities to explore both inside and outside the classroom.

The mathematics major enables students to build a solid theoretical and technical foundation and to develop an appreciation of the nature of mathematics in the liberal arts tradition. Students gain exposure to the use of mathematical and statistical software packages and computer languages. As seniors, majors work on individual projects and communicate their work both through speaking and writing.

Mathematics students are involved in many activities outside the classroom such as serving as mentors and tutors to students in introductory courses. Students are exposed to available career opportunities, summer programs and internships, and graduate programs through the department and Trinity’s student-led math and science club (Ladies FIRST).  The mathematics department also sponsors and co-sponsors visits by a variety of academic and nonacademic professionals in STEM fields.

The mathematics program supports a major as well as a minor in the College of Arts and Sciences.  The major prepares students for graduate school and professional positions in government, business, education and industry. Majors may adopt a theoretical or applied focus through their selection of electives ranging from number theory and history of mathematics to mathematical modeling and differential equations.  Students interested in secondary education can major in mathematics and minor in education.

Major Requirements

To earn the bachelor’s degree in mathematics, students must complete 52 credits distributed among required courses and supplemental requirements.

Please note:

  • Strongly recommended for students who plan to attend graduate school: MATH 431 Real Analysis I
  • Strongly recommended for students interested in secondary education: MATH 435 Geometry

Required Courses (32 credits)

ALL of the following mathematics courses:

MATH 125 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 225 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MATH 301 Linear Algebra
MATH 325 Multi-Variable Calculus
MATH 331 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 315 Mathematical Probability and Statistics
MATH 403 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 499 Senior Seminar in Mathematics
CMSC 111 Introduction to Programming

Supplemental Requirements (20 credits)

BOTH of the following physics courses:

PHYS 111 General Physics I
PHYS 112 General Physics II

ONE course chosen from between the following:

MATH 431 Real Analysis I
MATH 435 Geometry
MATH 437 Complex Variables

ONE additional mathematics course at the 200-level or above

TWO additional mathematics courses at the 300-level or above

Minor Requirements

Minor in Mathematics

Required Courses (23 credits)

ALL of the following courses:

MATH 125 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 225 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MATH 331 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics

TWO additional mathematics courses at the 200-level or above

TWO additional mathematics courses at the 300-level or above

Individualized Minor

Students interested in further studies in the area of statistics may pursue an individualized minor in applied statistics in consultation with the program chair.

Program Policies

Advanced Placement:
Students who score 4 or 5 on the calculus AB or BC exam will receive credit for MATH 125. Students who score 4 or 5 on the BC calculus exam may receive credit for MATH 225 at the discretion of the program chair.

CLEP Policy:
A satisfactory score on the CLEP exam in calculus will be accepted in lieu of MATH 125.

Cross-Listed Courses:
Courses that are cross-listed represent identical courses offered with a different program prefix. Students may not enroll in or receive credit for more than one iteration of a cross-listed course, even in different semesters.

Grades in Major and Minor Courses:
To declare the mathematics major, a student must successfully complete MATH 125 and MATH 225 with either a “B” (3.0) or better or the approval of the program chair. Majors and minors are required to earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in all other courses counted to fulfill requirements.

Pass/No Pass:
No major or minor courses may be taken pass/no pass.

Senior Assessment:
Every mathematics major must successfully complete MATH 499.

TELL Policy:
TELL credits are accepted toward the Trinity degree based on the approval of program faculty. TELL credits do not count toward the major in mathematics.

Transfer Credits:
Students wishing to transfer credits must consult the Program Chair.

Course Descriptions

MATH 102 College Algebra
MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
MATH 109 Foundations of Mathematics
MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 123 Pre-Calculus
MATH 125 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
MATH 210 Statistical Inference
MATH 225 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
MATH 299H HON:Math Across Cultures: Ethnomathematics
MATH 301 Linear Algebra
MATH 315 Mathematical Probability and Statistics
MATH 325 Multi-Variable Calculus
MATH 327 Differential Equations
MATH 331 Introduction to Abstract Mathematics
MATH 341 Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling
MATH 371 History of Mathematics
MATH 403 Abstract Algebra I
MATH 431 Real Analysis I
MATH 433 Number Theory
MATH 435 Geometry
MATH 437 Complex Variables
MATH 491 Internship in Mathematics
MATH 498 Independent Study
MATH 499 Senior Seminar in Mathematics