Trinity DARE Goal Four:

Research and Education

Trinity DARE will support specific research projects of faculty and students that focus on the causes and impacts of racial inequity, and offering specific tactical solutions shared through publications, colloquia and other educational activities that can influence the community broadly, particularly corporate leaders and public officials who have the ability to change policies and practices to promote racial equity in places of work, schools, services and community engagement.

Based on current expressions of interest, some examples of likely research projects might include:

  • An examination of the disparate racial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Black and Hispanic persons in the District of Columbia and Washington region, and nationwide, leading to recommendations for change in the availability of healthcare, nutrition, and other services in low income communities of color;
  • Disparate impact of disciplinary practices in DCPS and area school systems, leading to recommendations for change in the management of school discipline;
  • Inequities in school funding by ward and neighborhood, and recommendations for change in funding formulas and related types of support for schools;
  • Police training, supervision and management practices that impede or improve the climate for police engagement with Black and Brown communities, with recommendations for change;
  • The impact of the District of Columbia’s non-voting status in Congress on economic, political and social opportunities for residents of the city.

Trinity seeks annual grants of at least $250,000 to support student and faculty research on critical issues related to racial and social equity.

Go to Goal Five: Trinity Self-Examination and Change


Trinity DARE: Resource Requirements and Funding Opportunities


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