Self and Society: A Poem for Gail

Do you wonder where the self resides

Is it in your head or between your sides

And who’ll would be the one who will decide

Its true location

“Darkmatter,” by Andrew Bird


Young woman

Self is your being

wrapped behind chocolate colored wrappers

just bubble gum pink cheerful smiles all the while inside

You strive

Self is beautifully hidden under lock and key beyond three caverns and one gnarly dragon

You will never be able to find it alone.

Society will be there every step of the way to make sure you find the self they want you to.

Self—The irony

society will always be keen on placing their two cents into your soul’s piggy bank

make your nickels and dimes and quarters seem useless.

For those pennies are more easy to find on the sidewalk you are traveling on

Our society has defined your self-worth to be as high as how long you have lied on your back.

You have become nothing more than a flower

To be plucked and ripped and shredded and beheaded and it is something for us to say that they were wrong

Instead of right for us to say they were wrong

Wolves who walk like men will want to make you a “real woman”

there will be wolves who will shy away for that very reason

you’re not a real woman

in their eyes those pennies amount to a lot real fast

no one asks for your thoughts for that is a penny and not worth nearly as much

The hole in between your legs is the definition of what you were meant to be

Young man

You remember how it came to this

When you couldn’t find purpose in the words of the metal face

Cause the bed kept breaking whenever you tried to listen to it


And the fighting man you were was laid low when the TV screen showed you all that you should know.

That your skin means you need to be a beast to be shot down where you stood, a man of abs, a slab of

meat, one who could hang women from his chest like some Christmas tree

It was never enough for you to simply be.

So you threw out all the musings of the stars, let the thing that hung down between your legs control you

It owns you, like nothing ever had before.


This was who you were destined to be

The black beast, the machine, anything save a man who dreams and cries and sleeps and dies no

You are the animal, your heart is bitter cold and the only thing you live for is to mate

Even when the night comes round and you lie in your bed awake thinking of those you’ve been hurting

with your lies and your cheats and the sighs and the beats you are the beast

Sleek as silk, but less than filth,

Swinging between your legs is the definition of who you were meant to be.


This is what society gave you, but this is not what makes you

Society has never been so loud and so wrong

My young black children

With stars in your eyes and universes in your mind and nirvana in your touch

the books you have read and memorized

Your keen habit of seeing if numbers are divisible by 3

Your ability to rise and bend and thrive and grow and bloom after bloom after every cold winter and unrelenting summer shows you are alive.

You are more than your physical mettle you are more than your outer shell you are a soul of unfathomable power and you are more

Revel in it

Remember it

Breathe it in


Let society….Go