Eating Dogs and Other Immigrant Slurs
Americans must demand an end to the despicable rhetoric about immigrants. We are all just a few generations removed from our own immigrant stories, we must lift as we climb and insist that candidates for public office demonstrate respect for the dignity and worth of all people.
By mcguirep |
Catholic issues . Civil & Human Rights . Political Issues . Politics . Social Issues . Social Justice Issues
Education as an Act of Love: Bishop Menjivar’s Homily at Reunion
Washington Bishop Emilio Menjivar reminds us that, “The Book of Exodus tells us very explicitly that we must show special concern and compassion to those who are the most vulnerable in our society and who are at risk of being treated unjustly.”
By mcguirep |
Academics . Catholic issues . Celebration . Civil & Human Rights . Education . Politics . Religion . Sisters of Notre Dame . Social Issues . Social Justice Issues . Students . Trinity
Almighty Hypocrisy
We must not allow politicians to weaponize faith. Remember Dietrich Bonhoeffer: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.”
By mcguirep |
Catholic issues . Social Issues . Social Justice Issues