Sing Praise for our Founders and Mother Earth!

Sing Praise for our Founders and Mother Earth!

julia-mcgroartyFounders Day 2020, a day like none that preceded it. We are living through the global pandemic of Coronavirus.  We are all staying at home, sheltering in place, finding our communities on Zoom and building new kinds of family relationships as we work and teach and play around the kitchen table.

Sister Julia McGroarty (left), Trinity’s intrepid founder, could not have imagined our circumstances today, but in so many ways she provides the inspiration we need to persist, to believe that we can, indeed, triumph over our current hardship.  Founding Trinity was hard — there was no money, there was much opposition — the very idea of a Catholic women’s college brought cries of “heresy!” from male clerics up the street (or across a modest dirt road) at then-new Catholic University.  Sr. Julia and her sisters prevailed, believing deeply in the power of women to succeed, placing faith in the development of intellect, spirit and soul to change society for the better.  Thanks to their fortitude and courage, we are here today — and in their spirit, we must have faith that we will prevail and even thrive after this hard period in history.




Founders Day 2020, April 22, is also Earth Day — it seems so fitting to bring together our reverence for our founding mothers with our reverence and care for Mother Earth!  Trinity Campus Minister Sr. Ann Howard provided the beautiful green photo and reflection below:

green bush

From Sr. Ann Howard, SND, Campus Minister:

Dear Trinity!  “Nature’s first green is gold…” wrote Robert Frost, New England poet.  Today, Earth Day, I am wearing green and I can’t help but notice all the green surrounding us in trees and flowers emerging from the earth.  Let us commit to nurturing the earth, with care, not destroying its resources.
Sing praise to God for our green earth, and one another!

For Trinity, on Founders Day, we are celebrating the education of women and academic success.  Is your education preparing you for professional and adult life?   The Sisters of Notre Dame who began Trinity in 1897, followed the instruction of their foundress, St. Julie Billiart (1751-1816, France), to “Teach them what they need to know for life!”
Sing praise to God for the gift that Trinity Washington University is to us, one and all!

We celebrate Sr. Dorothy Stang today, as she lived and gave her life for the life of the Amazon Forest (2005), the people who live there, and the natural habitat that is known for its rich diversity.  Soon, we will plant a tree in her honor and praise God for her example of faith and goodness!

Sing praise to God for the life of the Amazon, for the people of Brazil, and for Sr. Dorothy Stang, SND, who was killed for preservation of the planet.  Amen.– campus ministry

And for one another, as we experience this time of quarantine, distance learning, and connecting via internet- Sing praise to God for one another, those who are grieving, those who are fearing, and those who are healing, may the love of God sustain us and protect us.  Amen.

Students, Faculty, Staff Showed Solidarity with Mother Earth by Wearing Green Today


That’s graduate student Paola Pinto-Capote above with her goats — she is “social distancing” in the countryside, looks like a lot of fun!

Paola Pinto

Here’s Dean of Nursing and Health Professions all set to work in her garden — check out those socks!



Romanello socks

Nursing Sim Lab Director and Assistant Professor Dr. Carrie O’Reilly inspects the neighborhood with Gracie:

Dr. Carrie O'Reilly

Dr. Neosho C. Ponder was on her way to teaching her Feminist Movement class so she’s also wearing her Phenomenal Woman T-shirt, lovely!

Dr. Neosho C. Ponder

And here’s student Dominique Parker:

Dominique Parker

Director of Major Gifts Barbara Goliday shows off her green:

Barbara Goliday

and Dr. Wendy Bilen and her daughter get out for some masked sunshine… green masks!!  LOVE THE CHALK!

Dr. Wendy Bilen

Business Professor Dr. Lynda Jackson strikes a lovely Earth Day pose:

Dr. Lynda Jackson

Katie (the Moodle Lady) Wanschura is always up for the best of show… lovely outdoor environment!!

Katie (the Moodle Lady) Wanschura

Katie (the Moodle Lady) Wanschura


And Vice President for Advancement Ann Pauley is nicely decked out in Green for Earth Day, Too!  Nice azaleas!

Ann Pauley

Economics Prof Cristina Parsons seems camera shy but she sent this beautiful view:


As for me, well, you know, I’m just gonna do my thing and share GREEN WILD THINGS in honor of Earth Day!



blackwater hummer-bird

Thanks to all for your participation!  Happy Founders Day!  Happy Earth Day!  Remember:  We WILL Prevail!!

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