Dedication of the Payden Academic Center
June 4, 2016 dedication of the Payden Academic Center at Trinity Washington University in Washington, D.C. Opens Fall of 2016.
Trinity Commencement Keynote 2016: Dr. Jane Dammen McAuliffe
Trinity Washington University Commencement Keynote by Dr. Jane Dammen McAuliffe ’66, Director of National and International Outreach at Library of Congress; May 21, 2016 at the Trinity Center. Washington DC.
Women of Excellence Symposium with Cong. Eleanor Holmes-Norton Trinity Washington University
D.C. Congressional Delegate, Eleanor Holmes-Norton Hosted her Women of Excellence symposium at Trinity Washington University with a panel that included Gina F. Adams, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs at the FedEx Corporation, Nakeisha Neal Jones, Executive Director of Public Allies DC, and Laila Linares, Surge Fleet Life Cycle Manager at the Department of Navy’s Military Sealift Command. The Symposium took place on March 14, 2016 at 11:00 am in Social Hall at Trinity Washington University
President Patricia McGuire TIAA Institute Hesburgh Award Acceptance Remarks
The TIAA Institute honored Trinity President Patricia McGuire on March 14, 2016, presenting her with the 2016 TIAA Institute Hesburgh Award for Leadership Excellence, which recognizes outstanding leadership in higher education. The award is named in honor of the great educator and humanitarian, the late Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh. The award was presented at ACE2016, the American Council on Education’s 98th Annual Meeting, in San Francisco.
Pinkie Mayfield ’96, Trinity Washington University Winter Graduation 2016 Keynote
Trinity graduate Pinkie Dent Mayfield ’96, vice president of corporate affairs and special assistant to the chairman at Graham Holdings Company (formerly The Washington Post Company), was the keynote speaker at Trinity Washington University’s Winter Graduation on Friday, January 8, 2016. She was awarded an honorary doctor of laws for her achievements in corporate life and philanthropy in Washington and for her devotion to her alma mater. She shared her journey to success, reflecting on her challenges and motivations and offering her guidance to Trinity’s newest graduates.
Cap & Gown 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015. On Cap and Gown Weekend, members of the senior class who had earned 92 credits or more wore their caps and gowns for the first time and were officially recognized by Trinity as seniors. This important campus tradition dates back to when the very first class to graduate from Trinity, the Red Class of 1904, gathered in fall 1903.
Trinity Commencement Address by Patty Q. Stonesifer, May 16, 2015
Trinity Commencement Address by Patty Q. Stonesifer, President and CEO, Martha’s Table; Founding CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, May 16th, 2015: GRIT Will Keep You Moving – AUDACITY Gets You SOARING
Harry Jaffe & Tom Sherwood Discuss Dream City at Trinity
Washington reporters and authors Harry Jaffe and Tom Sherwood talked with the Trinity community about their book, Dream City: Race, Power, and the Decline of Washington, D.C.; a 20th anniversary edition of their book was recently published. Trinity instructor Dowan McNair-Lee ’07 is using the book as a text in two of her classes. Read more about the event and their book.
US Rep Jim McGovern on poverty at Trinity Washington University
Rep. Jim McGovern (D – MA) discusses the importance of making poverty a priority in governance at Trinity Washington University.
Clare Boothe Luce at Trinity Washington University: 25 years
Trinity celebrates 25 years of Clare Boothe Luce’s bequest, promoting women in the STEM fields, and supporting scholarship.