SPS Core Curriculum and Elective/Supporting Courses


The School of Professional Studies (SPS) offers students a breadth of coursework to prepare them for productive citizenship. After completion of a degree program within SPS, students will be able to:

  1. Apply effective oral and written communication skills, and present images and information using appropriate media.
  2. Reason abstractly and think critically.
  3. Synthesize quantitative information and formulate evidenced-based conclusion.
  4. Discuss social justice and its impact in a diverse world.
  5. Utilize skills for living as responsible, ethical and contributing citizens.
  6. Identify, locate, and effectively and ethically use information from various print and digital sources.
  7. Analyze and evaluate information from a scientific perspective to develop reasoned solutions to real world problems.

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Course Descriptions: Core Curriculum

Area I: Skills for Life and Work

Writing (3 credits)

ENGL 107 College Composition

Communication (6 credits)

COM 201 Interpersonal Communication
COM 225 Intercultural Communication
COM 290 Public Speaking

Quantitative Literacy (4 credits, course determined by major; check appropriate catalog page)

MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
MATH 109 Foundations of Mathematics

Information Literacy (3 credits)

INT 109 Information Literacy

Critical Thinking (3 credits)

PHIL 103 Reasoning and Argumentation

Area II:  Understanding the Self and Society

Arts and Humanities (6 credits)

ENGL 150 Writing about Literature
ENGL 267 Multicultural United States Literature
ENGL 342
FNAR 101 Survey: History of Art I
FNAR 102 Survey: History of Art II
HIS 130 Introduction to American Civilizations
HIS 132 Twentieth Century United States
HIS 155 The 20th Century World
RST 101 Religion and Human Experience
RST 102 Religions of the World

Social Sciences (6 credits, courses determined by major; check appropriate Catalog page)

ECON 100 Principles of Economics
ECON 101 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON 102 Introduction to Macroeconomics
POLS 103 The American Political Process
PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology
SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology

Scientific Understanding (4 credits)

BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology
ENVS 101 Discovering Planet Earth

Area III: Ethics and Moral Reasoning

Ethics (3 credits—course determined by major; check appropriate Catalog page)

PHIL 245 Ethics I
PHIL 251 Bioethics
PHIL 253 Business and Professional Ethics

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Course Descriptions: Elective and Supporting Courses

Descriptions for elective and supporting courses can be found in the various program sections of this catalog.