Education (B.A.)
This undergraduate program is offered by the College of Arts and Sciences.
Dr. Denisha Jones, Assistant Professor of Education (program chair)
Dr. Bweikia Steen, Associate Professor of Education and Director of Early Childhood Programs
Faculty in the School of Education also support Trinity’s undergraduate education program.
Undergraduate Major & Minor Programs
The College of Arts and Sciences offers two different majors in early childhood education and elementary education as well as a minor in education.
The education majors prepare students for teaching careers either in early childhood education (ages 3-8) or in elementary education (grades 1-6). Candidates who successfully complete either B.A. major and fulfill the other requirements set by the D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education (O.S.S.E.) are eligible for teacher certification in D.C. and in other jurisdictions, as determined by reciprocity agreements.
Trinity’s education programs are accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (N.C.A.T.E.) and approved by O.S.S.E.
Students in the College of Arts and Sciences may also pursue a minor in education. Completion of minor requirements only will not satisfy certification requirements in D.C.
B.A. to M.A.T. Program
Education minors (as well as all of Trinity’s undergraduates) may well be interested in pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Teaching (M.A.T.) in Trinity’s School of Education. The M.A.T. is offered in early childhood, elementary, special education, and secondary education. A student must have a 3.0 G.P.A. in the content area in which he or she wishes to teach. Prospective students for Trinity’s M.A.T. program should refer to the School of Education’s Policy on the State Required Examinations.
Program Requirements
Acceptance Criteria and Advising
Formal acceptance into the major programs requires:
- Qualifying scores on state-designated teacher licensure examinations (Praxis I, ACT, or SAT)
- A minimum GPA of 3.0 in all non-EDCC or EDTE courses
- A minimum grade of “B” (3.0) in all EDCC and EDTE courses
- Note: The Praxis I exam may only be attempted twice. Students who do not earn qualifying scores after the second attempt can submit a petition to attempt the test a third time.
Interested students should direct any questions about the process for formal acceptance into the education major or minor to their undergraduate advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences. Students majoring or minoring in education should follow the required sequence of courses. This course sequence is designed to contribute to a liberal arts education while preparing students in content areas that, as early childhood or elementary teachers, they will be teaching.
Field-Based Instruction
Teacher preparation at Trinity emphasizes field-based instruction that includes a series of integrated field experiences and practicum experiences at different grade/age levels in a variety of school settings. The education major requires a one-semester full-time internship of supervised student teaching after the successful completion of all education course work and the Praxis II exam (see below for application procedures).
Application for Student Teaching
Undergraduate students may not student teach until all of the following conditions are met:
- General Education Requirements are completed,
- Educational Core courses are completed,
- Education Methods courses are completed, and
- Praxis II is passed.
During the semester before prospective teachers plan to student teach, they must submit an application for student teaching. This form must be signed by the student and the student’s advisor in the major (a CAS professional advisor’s signature is not acceptable). Failure to complete this form and obtain the requisite approvals may disqualify prospective teachers from student teaching. The completed and signed form is due to the program within two weeks of the opening of registration for the semester in which the student wishes to student teach.
Major Requirements
College of Arts and Sciences students majoring in both education programs must complete a set of required courses for their specialization in either early childhood or elementary education. Students must provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 400-level or above. Students are strongly encouraged to take courses in the recommended sequence.
Majors must earn a minimum grade of “B” (3.0) in all Education (EDCC and EDTE) courses to fulfill requirements for the major as well as earn an overall G.P.A. of at least a 3.0.
Early Childhood Education
Required Courses (19 credits)
ALL of the following courses:
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
4 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 250 Technology in EducationPrepares teacher candidates to integrate technology, teaching, and learning. Students will access, incorporate, and evaluate technologies in order to support understanding, inquiry, assessment, communication, and collaboration. Tools include multi-media hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and other digital-age resources. Students will practice digital citizenship and responsibility.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis 1 or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDTE 401 Classroom AssessmentProvides teacher education candidates with a wide spectrum of tools to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the different types and applications of formal and informal assessments, including authentic and performance-based assessment, standardized tests, and individual assessments. Candidates gain practical experience in creating classroom assessments and analyzing results of different assessment tools. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed teh Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the ClassroomProvides students with a critical understanding of the visual arts, music, movement, and drama for young children and the importance of integrating arts into the curriculum. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to plan developmentally appropriate activities which integrate creative experiences in the visual arts, music, dance/movement, and drama within the early childhood and elementary classroom curriculum. Formerly FNAR 232 - Art and Movement in the Classroom.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
General Education Area II: Knowledge and Inquiry (Fine Arts)
Early Childhood Specialization Courses (35 credits)
ALL of the following courses:
EDTE 321 Reading MaterialsProvides a survey of children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators with topics including criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children and integrating literature in the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety of materials to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grade. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; evidence of taking the Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 421 Emergent LiteracyExamines the fundamentals of developmental reading instruction, including reading readiness. Teacher candidates learn a wide range of research- and practice- based strategies, including experience records procedures, reciprocal reading and writing activities, and cross-curricular strategies for reading comprehension. Candidates gain an understanding of phonological awareness and concepts of print as well as early literacy acquisition to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening and thinking skills. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examination.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early LearningDevelops understanding of the developmental continuum of oral communication and literacy acquisition in early learners and young children (PreK-Grade 3). Prepares teacher candidates to use developmentally appropriate techniques for assessment, planning, instruction, and creation of learning opportunities. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency, as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Candidates further learn how to infuse language and literacy through children’s literature and across the curriculum. Course content includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 421 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early LearningProvides teacher candidates with understanding of both current and historical theory, research, and practices in the education of young learners (Pre-K-3rd grade). Incorporating the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development, teacher candidates create developmentally and individually appropriate lessons, activities, and resources. Curricula integrate content areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts.For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 434 Early Learning and Family, Culture, and CommunityExamines the multiple social and cultural factors that influence development and learning throughout childhood, including the relationships among the child, school, family and larger community. Topics include the theories that promote understanding of these influences, how knowledge of these influences can promote effective teaching and learning, and strategies for building family and community relationships in support of diverse learners.
For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & ScienceResearch and practice bases for early learners’ acquisition of experiences and concepts that are critical to learning mathematics and science are explored. Teacher candidates construct activities, lessons, and units for learning mathematics and science and for integrating them across the curriculum. Emphasis is on strategies and materials that are activity-centered and address the needs of different learners. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early Learning with a grade of B or better. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
ONE course in child psychology
PSYC 231 Child PsychologyReviews theories of development and contemporary research and how they relate to current social issues concerning children. The developmental period from conception through middle childhood is the focus, with topics including cognitive changes, language acquisition, sensorimotor, moral, and socioemotional development. Formerly PSY 257 Child Psychology.
3 credits
FLC Area V
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or permission of instructor
TWO teaching practica
EDTE 490 Practicum IPlaces teacher candidates in school classrooms for 4 hours a week observing teacher-student interactions, participating in classroom activities, and working with students. The field component is an integral part of the course; a field coordinator will supervise.
1 credit
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
Co-requisites: Either EDTE 423 and EDTE 425 or EDTE 432 and EDTE 434.
EDTE 491 Practicum IIA continuation of EDTE 490, this course places teacher candidates in school classrooms for 4 hours a week observing teacher-student interactions, participating in classroom activities, and workin g with students. The field component is an integral part of the course; a field coordinator will supervise.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDTE 490 with a grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
Co-requisites: Either EDTE 421, 422 and 424 or EDTE 401, 421 and 436.
ONE supervised internship in student teaching:
EDTE 471 Student Teaching Early Childhood EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an early childhood education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. Candidates must apply for student teaching the semester prior to placement and have passed the Internship Readiness Assessment. Internship placements are arranged by the University. Candidates will be at their placement full-time, 5 days a week for the entire semester.
For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
9 credits
Prerequisites: Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 499. Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 499.
ONE senior seminar:
EDTE 499 Advanced Seminar in TeachingThe seminar is a companion to and taken concurrently with student teaching. This culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences and to revisit the theories and practices of teaching as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific classroom placement. Interns also focus on career planning and development as well the production of a portfolio (e-portfolio) containing specific requirements.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 473 Student Teaching.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 471 Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 471
Elementary Education
Required Courses (19 credits)
ALL of the following courses:
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
4 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 250 Technology in EducationPrepares teacher candidates to integrate technology, teaching, and learning. Students will access, incorporate, and evaluate technologies in order to support understanding, inquiry, assessment, communication, and collaboration. Tools include multi-media hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and other digital-age resources. Students will practice digital citizenship and responsibility.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis 1 or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDTE 401 Classroom AssessmentProvides teacher education candidates with a wide spectrum of tools to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the different types and applications of formal and informal assessments, including authentic and performance-based assessment, standardized tests, and individual assessments. Candidates gain practical experience in creating classroom assessments and analyzing results of different assessment tools. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed teh Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 232 Art and Movement in the ClassroomProvides students with a critical understanding of the visual arts, music, movement, and drama for young children and the importance of integrating arts into the curriculum. Students develop the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to plan developmentally appropriate activities which integrate creative experiences in the visual arts, music, dance/movement, and drama within the early childhood and elementary classroom curriculum. Formerly FNAR 232 - Art and Movement in the Classroom.
3 credits
Prerequisites: None
General Education Area II: Knowledge and Inquiry (Fine Arts)
Elementary Specialization Courses (35 credits)
ALL of the following courses:
EDTE 321 Reading MaterialsProvides a survey of children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators with topics including criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children and integrating literature in the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety of materials to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grade. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; evidence of taking the Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 421 Emergent LiteracyExamines the fundamentals of developmental reading instruction, including reading readiness. Teacher candidates learn a wide range of research- and practice- based strategies, including experience records procedures, reciprocal reading and writing activities, and cross-curricular strategies for reading comprehension. Candidates gain an understanding of phonological awareness and concepts of print as well as early literacy acquisition to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening and thinking skills. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examination.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 422 Teaching Methods for Elementary MathematicsTeaches candidates how to use major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes that define number systems and number sense, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability in mathematics to include algebra. There is an emphasis on manipulative, task analysis, assessment, computer and calculator technology in mathematics. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
EDTE 423 Teaching Methods for SciencePresents methods, techniques, strategies, and materials of teaching science including physical, life, and earth and space science as well as concepts in science and technology. It will help students to construct their own knowledge of scientific principles and concepts. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
EDTE 424 Teaching Methods for Social StudiesTeaches candidates how to use the major concepts and modes of inquiry from social studies with typical elementary social students curriculum content and methods effective in teaching. The course includes review of research on effectiveness, design of activities, and assessment of student learning. Heavy emphasis on multicultural issues into the regular curriculum is included. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 425 Teaching Methods for Reading and Language ArtsProvides the elementary teacher candidates with the understanding and strategies to plan effective reading and language arts instruction; learn a variety of developmentally appropriate comprehension strategies to enhance student understanding. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to include teaching spelling, handwriting, oral and written expression as well as creative expression. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
ONE course in child psychology
PSYC 231 Child PsychologyReviews theories of development and contemporary research and how they relate to current social issues concerning children. The developmental period from conception through middle childhood is the focus, with topics including cognitive changes, language acquisition, sensorimotor, moral, and socioemotional development. Formerly PSY 257 Child Psychology.
3 credits
FLC Area V
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or permission of instructor
TWO teaching practica
EDTE 490 Practicum IPlaces teacher candidates in school classrooms for 4 hours a week observing teacher-student interactions, participating in classroom activities, and working with students. The field component is an integral part of the course; a field coordinator will supervise.
1 credit
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
Co-requisites: Either EDTE 423 and EDTE 425 or EDTE 432 and EDTE 434.
EDTE 491 Practicum IIA continuation of EDTE 490, this course places teacher candidates in school classrooms for 4 hours a week observing teacher-student interactions, participating in classroom activities, and workin g with students. The field component is an integral part of the course; a field coordinator will supervise.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDTE 490 with a grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
Co-requisites: Either EDTE 421, 422 and 424 or EDTE 401, 421 and 436.
ONE supervised internship in student teaching:
EDTE 473 Student Teaching in Elementary EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an elementary education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. Candidates must apply for student teaching the semester prior to placement and have passed the Internship Readiness Assessment. Internship placements are arranged by the University. Candidates will be at their placement full-time, 5 days a week for the entire semester.
9 credits
Prerequisites: Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 499.
ONE senior seminar:
EDTE 499 Advanced Seminar in TeachingThe seminar is a companion to and taken concurrently with student teaching. This culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences and to revisit the theories and practices of teaching as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific classroom placement. Interns also focus on career planning and development as well the production of a portfolio (e-portfolio) containing specific requirements.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 473 Student Teaching.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 471 Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 471
Minor Requirements
Students in the College of Arts and Sciences may pursue a minor in education. Students minoring in education must complete 19 credits of course work. Completion of Minor requirements ONLY will NOT satisfy standard certification requirements of the District of Columbia.
Education minors must earn a minimum G.P.A. of 2.5 in all Education core courses (EDCC 220) and a G.P.A. of 3.0 in Education methods courses (all EDTE courses) to fulfill requirements for the minor.
Required Courses (19 credits)
ALL of the following courses:
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
4 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDTE 321 Reading MaterialsProvides a survey of children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators with topics including criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children and integrating literature in the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety of materials to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grade. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; evidence of taking the Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis 1 or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
Choose ONE of the following courses in child psychology:
PSYC 231 Child PsychologyReviews theories of development and contemporary research and how they relate to current social issues concerning children. The developmental period from conception through middle childhood is the focus, with topics including cognitive changes, language acquisition, sensorimotor, moral, and socioemotional development. Formerly PSY 257 Child Psychology.
3 credits
FLC Area V
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or permission of instructor
PSYC 233 Psychology of AdolescenceStudies the theories and current research in adolescent development. Topics include the psychological impact of puberty, cognitive development, personality development, and the interaction of the adolescent with peers, family, and others. Emphasis is given to the impact of culture, gender, and ethnicity on the adolescent's development. Formerly PSY 261 Psychology of Adolescence.
3 credits
Prerequisites: PSYC 101 or permission of instructor
Program Policies
Advanced Placement:
Credits earned through Advanced Placement Examinations may fulfill general education for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a 4 or 5 on the examination and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.
CLEP Policy:
Credits earned through CLEP Examinations may fulfill general education for certification courses in cases where the student has earned a score that confers credit following the guidelines of the ACE and the credits have been reviewed by education faculty members.
Attendance Policy:
In all 300- and 400-level EDCC/EDTE courses, two late arrivals or early departures of 20 minutes or more constitute a single class absence, and any student with class absences or the equivalent that total more than 2 weeks’ worth of class meetings automatically fail the course. Faculty teaching EDCC/EDTE courses at the 200-level may adopt this policy in their syllabi as well, and faculty teaching EDCC/EDTE courses at any level may adopt a stricter policy in their syllabi.
Grades in Education Courses:
To fulfill requirements for the major or the minor, undergraduate students are required to earn a minimum grade of B (3.0) in all education courses (EDCC and EDTE). In addition, majors must earn an overall G.P.A. of at least a 3.0.
Pass/No Pass:
Courses fulfilling the major or minor — including general education courses required for certification — may not be taken Pass/No Pass.
Student Assessment:
Assessments of student proficiencies required of students in the major or minor are further described on the School of Education page, concerning the Student Assessment System.
Study Abroad:
Courses taken through a study abroad program approved by Trinity may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, education courses taken abroad will not count toward the major or minor.
Praxis Policy:
Students must provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 400-level or above. The Praxis I exam may only be attempted twice. Students who do not earn qualifying scores after the second attempt can submit a petition to attempt the test a third time.
Experiential Credit Policy:
Credits earned through experience may count toward general education courses required for certification, pending review and approval by education faculty and the faculty of the appropriate academic program. In general, experiential credits may not substitute for education courses counted toward the major or minor.
Transfer Credits:
Transfer credits may be awarded only after appropriate program review. Courses at the 400-level and above must be completed at Trinity. Courses taken as part of the School of Education program of study must be taken at Trinity.
Course Descriptions
Explanation of Course Prefixes and Numbers
Courses designated “EDCC” are education core and common courses across various programs in the School of Education. Courses designated “EDTE” are largely specific to the teacher education program. Students must provide evidence of qualifying scores on the Praxis I, A.C.T., S.A.T., or G.R.E. prior to registering for education courses at the 400-level or above.
EDCC – Education Core and Common Courses
EDCC 220 Foundations of EducationAllows teacher candidates to examine some of the historical, philosophical, and cultural foundations of American education. Curriculum content and organization and basic teaching competencies are introduced in light of professional organization. Implications of understanding contemporary educational issues, policy, and decision-making are stressed. A Praxis component is introduced along with an explanation of the teacher education program in light of the standards in teacher education. Field component is an integral part of the course. Students also are required to engage in Praxis I preparation through weekly completion of an on-line Praxis program.
Formerly EDU 260 Foundations of Education.
4 credits
Prerequisites: None
EDCC 250 Technology in EducationPrepares teacher candidates to integrate technology, teaching, and learning. Students will access, incorporate, and evaluate technologies in order to support understanding, inquiry, assessment, communication, and collaboration. Tools include multi-media hardware and software, the World Wide Web, and other digital-age resources. Students will practice digital citizenship and responsibility.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher.
EDCC 330 Education of Exceptional Children and YouthSurveys major areas of exceptionality and legislative standards for special education and related services for students with special needs. Topics include inclusive education and collaboration among special educators, general educators, related service providers, volunteers, and parents. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), differentiated instruction, accommodations, and enrichment are examined in relation to students' needs and learning styles. Increasing access to curricula based on college- and career- ready standards is addressed. Field component is an integral part of the course.
Formerly EDU 376 Education of Exceptional Children and Youth.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis 1 or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 340 Teaching and LearningExamines current theory and practice in the teaching and learning process to include the detailed components of planning effective lessons. The dynamics of learning are viewed through the perspectives of human development, motivational theory, learning theory, classroom dynamics, and socio-cultural factors. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 383 Teaching and Learning.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDCC 498 Independent StudyProvides students with the opportunity to carry out individualized projects related to the student's area of concentration under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The student and instructor must complete an independent study agreement form. Students who plan to take a required course in the format of an independent study should indicate the number of the appropriate course on the completed and signed independent study agreement form.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Advisor's written approval and approval of the Dean
EDTE -Teacher Education Courses
EDTE 301 Classroom ManagementFocuses on the study of teaching methods and classroom management techniques that facilitate the learning of students in our multicultural and inclusive classrooms. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of B or higher. Evidence of taking the Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
EDTE 321 Reading MaterialsProvides a survey of children's literature with emphasis on works by major authors and illustrators with topics including criteria for evaluating literature, sexism and multicultural aspects of literature for children and integrating literature in the curriculum. Genres covered in the course include picture books, folktales, fables, myths, modern fantasy, poetry, and modern and historical fiction. Selecting, evaluating, and using a variety of materials to create skilled and motivated readers in the elementary grade. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; evidence of taking the Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 341 Adolescent Culture in LiteratureAllows candidates to examine the pedagogy of reading and analysis of fiction and non-fiction, methods for critically assessing quality and appeal, and current theory and methods of instruction and research on response to literature. Field component is an integral part of the course. Formerly EDU 313A Adolescent Culture in Literature.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; evidence of taking the Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 401 Classroom AssessmentProvides teacher education candidates with a wide spectrum of tools to assess student learning and teacher effectiveness. Emphasis is placed on the different types and applications of formal and informal assessments, including authentic and performance-based assessment, standardized tests, and individual assessments. Candidates gain practical experience in creating classroom assessments and analyzing results of different assessment tools. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed teh Praxis I or other state-required examinations.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 421 Emergent LiteracyExamines the fundamentals of developmental reading instruction, including reading readiness. Teacher candidates learn a wide range of research- and practice- based strategies, including experience records procedures, reciprocal reading and writing activities, and cross-curricular strategies for reading comprehension. Candidates gain an understanding of phonological awareness and concepts of print as well as early literacy acquisition to teach reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening and thinking skills. Field component is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher. Evidence of having passed the Praxis I or other state-required examination.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 422 Teaching Methods for Elementary MathematicsTeaches candidates how to use major concepts, procedures, and reasoning processes that define number systems and number sense, geometry, measurement, statistics and probability in mathematics to include algebra. There is an emphasis on manipulative, task analysis, assessment, computer and calculator technology in mathematics. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
EDTE 423 Teaching Methods for SciencePresents methods, techniques, strategies, and materials of teaching science including physical, life, and earth and space science as well as concepts in science and technology. It will help students to construct their own knowledge of scientific principles and concepts. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
EDTE 424 Teaching Methods for Social StudiesTeaches candidates how to use the major concepts and modes of inquiry from social studies with typical elementary social students curriculum content and methods effective in teaching. The course includes review of research on effectiveness, design of activities, and assessment of student learning. Heavy emphasis on multicultural issues into the regular curriculum is included. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 425 Teaching Methods for Reading and Language ArtsProvides the elementary teacher candidates with the understanding and strategies to plan effective reading and language arts instruction; learn a variety of developmentally appropriate comprehension strategies to enhance student understanding. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing to include teaching spelling, handwriting, oral and written expression as well as creative expression. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 430 Theory and Practice of Oral Language and Literacy in Early LearningDevelops understanding of the developmental continuum of oral communication and literacy acquisition in early learners and young children (PreK-Grade 3). Prepares teacher candidates to use developmentally appropriate techniques for assessment, planning, instruction, and creation of learning opportunities. Strategies and procedures for fostering each of the five recognized elements of strong reading instruction: phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency, as well as the teaching of writing, spelling, listening, and speaking will be introduced and practiced. Candidates further learn how to infuse language and literacy through children’s literature and across the curriculum. Course content includes principles of planning, classroom organization, and management to meet the needs of diverse learners. Candidates coach a beginning reader. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 421 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early LearningProvides teacher candidates with understanding of both current and historical theory, research, and practices in the education of young learners (Pre-K-3rd grade). Incorporating the social-emotional, cognitive, and physical domains of child development, teacher candidates create developmentally and individually appropriate lessons, activities, and resources. Curricula integrate content areas of literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, and the arts.For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 434 Early Learning and Family, Culture, and CommunityExamines the multiple social and cultural factors that influence development and learning throughout childhood, including the relationships among the child, school, family and larger community. Topics include the theories that promote understanding of these influences, how knowledge of these influences can promote effective teaching and learning, and strategies for building family and community relationships in support of diverse learners.
For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of B or higher. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 436 Theory and Practice of Early Learning in Math & ScienceResearch and practice bases for early learners’ acquisition of experiences and concepts that are critical to learning mathematics and science are explored. Teacher candidates construct activities, lessons, and units for learning mathematics and science and for integrating them across the curriculum. Emphasis is on strategies and materials that are activity-centered and address the needs of different learners. Field component is an integral part of the course. For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Completion of EDTE 432 Curriculum Construction and Integration for Early Learning with a grade of B or better. Admission to the School of Education Early Childhood Education program.
EDTE 441 Teaching Reading in the Content AreaAllows secondary candidates to apply theories, strategies, and practices in daily classroom instruction and assessment. Practicum is taken concurrently and is an integral part of the course.
3 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 and EDCC 330 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination submitted to School of Education by ETS
EDTE 473 Student Teaching in Elementary EducationProvides students with a semester-long, full-time teaching internship in an elementary education school setting under the guidance and supervision of a certified teacher and college supervisor. Candidates must apply for student teaching the semester prior to placement and have passed the Internship Readiness Assessment. Internship placements are arranged by the University. Candidates will be at their placement full-time, 5 days a week for the entire semester.
9 credits
Prerequisites: Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 499.
EDTE 490 Practicum IPlaces teacher candidates in school classrooms for 4 hours a week observing teacher-student interactions, participating in classroom activities, and working with students. The field component is an integral part of the course; a field coordinator will supervise.
1 credit
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination
Co-requisites: Either EDTE 423 and EDTE 425 or EDTE 432 and EDTE 434.
EDTE 498 Independent StudyProvides students with the opportunity to carry out individualized projects related to the student's area of concentration under the supervision of a faculty advisor. The student and instructor must complete an independent study agreement form. Students who plan to take a required course in the format of an independent study should indicate the number of the appropriate course on the completed and signed independent study agreement form.
3 credits
Prerequisites: Advisor's written approval and approval of the Dean
EDTE 499 Advanced Seminar in TeachingThe seminar is a companion to and taken concurrently with student teaching. This culminating learning experience provides opportunities to share, examine, and reflect upon internship experiences and to revisit the theories and practices of teaching as they apply in the real world of the interns' specific classroom placement. Interns also focus on career planning and development as well the production of a portfolio (e-portfolio) containing specific requirements.
3 credits
CAS Prerequisites: Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 473 Student Teaching.
SPS Prerequisites: For the major, a minimum grade of B in this course is required.
Qualifying score on the Internship Readiness Assessment. Completion of all program requirements other than EDTE 471 Application for student teaching accepted by School of Education. Concurrent enrollment in EDTE 471
EDTE 503 Physical Education and Health for TeachersAllows teacher candidates to understand the foundations of good health, including the structure and function of the body and its systems and the importance of physical fitness. Additionally, candidates understand physical content relevant to the development of physically educated individuals. Field component is an integral part of the course. (Spring)
2 credits
Prerequisites: EDCC 220 with grade of C or higher; passing scores on Praxis I Examination