Nursing – R.N. to B.S.N.


Dr. Denise Pope, Associate Dean of Nursing, Chief Nursing Officer
Dr. Nancie Crespi, R.N. to B.S.N. Program Director
Ms. Jane Brophy, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ms. Danielle Artis, Assistant Dean of Nursing and Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ms. Jennifer Dahlman, Assistant Dean of Nursing and Assistant Professor of Nursing
Dr. Denise Jarboe, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Ms. Denise McKain, Assistant Professor of Nursing
Dr. Daphne Waite, Assistant Professor of Nursing


The Trinity Nursing Program offers advanced placement for Registered Nurses holding an associate’s degree or diploma in nursing. This program is designed for the adult learner. RNs admitted into the program may receive credit for general education and nursing courses. In order to receive a degree from Trinity, the transcript must reflect 128 credits, with 32 of those taken in residence at the University. Students may transfer up to 32 credits in nursing. Upon admission, students may complete the program on a full-time or part-time basis.

Major Requirements

To fulfill the requirements of the B.S. in Nursing, students must successfully complete required coursework in the following areas:

Nursing Requirements (32 credits):

  • NURS 310 Advanced Health Assessment
  • NURS 310L Advanced Health Assessment Lab
  • NURS 320 Policy and Politics in Nursing
  • NURS 325 Contemporary Issues In Nursing and Health Care
  • NURS 330 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
  • NURS 415 Pharmacology and Complementary/Alternative Therapies
  • NURS 410 Leadership and Management of Health Care
  • NURS 420 Community and Public Health Nursing
  • NURS 420C Community and Public Health Clinical
  • NURS 430 Emergency Nursing and Illness Prevention
  • NURS 450 RN Clinical Practicum
  • NURS 490 RN Capstone

Nursing Transfer Credits (32 credits) from an approved, appropriately accredited school of nursing (Associations recognized by the United States Department of Education (USDE) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHEA) confer appropriate accreditation; these associations include but are not limited to regional accreditors.)

Associated Major Requirements (34 credits): (May meet the General Education requirements)

  • Anatomy & Physiology (lab) (8 credits): BIOL 121 Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BIOL 122 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Microbiology (lab) (4 credits): BIOL 130 Microbiology for the Health Professions
  • Chemistry (lab) (4 credits): CHEM 113 Chemistry for the Health Sciences
  • Math (3 credits): MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
  • Psychology (3 credits): PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology
  • Statistics (3 credits): MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
  • Ethics (3 credits): PHIL 251 Bioethics
  • Nutrition (3 credits): HPNU 200 Nutrition, Diet Therapy, and Health Promotion
  • Sociology (3 credits): SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology

General Education Requirements:

Area I: Skills for Life and Work

  1. Writing (3 credits)
    1. ENGL 107 College Composition
  2. Communication (6 credits)
    1. COM 290 Public Speaking
    2. COM 225 Intercultural Communication OR SPAN 103 Spanish for the Workplace
  3. Numeracy (3 credits): MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
  4. Information Literacy (3 credits): INT 109 Information Literacy

Area II: Understanding the Self and Society

  1. Arts and Humanities (6 credits) – choose from existing list
  2. Social Sciences (6 credits)
    1. PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology
    2. SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology
  3. Scientific Understanding (8 credits)
    1. BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology
    2. CHEM 113 Chemistry for the Health Sciences

Area III: Ethics and Moral Reasoning (3 credits)

  1. PHIL 251 Bioethics


Program Policies

Required Documentation:
Prior to enrolling in any course, students are required to present documentation of the following:

  • Current Registered Nurse Licensure in a U.S. Jurisdiction
  • Professional Liability Insurance in the amount of $1 million/$3 million
  • BLS/CPR Certification

Prior to enrolling in any clinical course, students are required to present documentation of the following:

  • Current immunization or titers for: DPT; MMR; Hepatitis B (3 doses); Tetanus; Influenza (annual); TB (annual).
  • National criminal background check, including all aliases and nationwide sexual offenders index with a set of fingerprints
  • Current major medical health insurance

RN Achievement Tests: Students who have worked at least one year as a clinical nurse may be eligible to test out of NURS 310 Advanced Health Assessment and NURS 310L Advanced Health Assessment Lab through the successful completion of the NLN RN Achievement Test in Physical Assessment and the demonstration of an adult physical examination, evaluated by faculty. Students must meet the scheduled dates and times and pay the required fee prior to the beginning of the semester.   Additionally, RN to BSN students who have not taken collegiate level Anatomy and Physiology may challenge eight credits through the successful completion of the NLN RN Achievement Test in Anatomy and Physiology.  There is a fee, payable to Trinity Washington University, associated with taking the NLN RN Achievement Test.  This fee must be paid to the Business Office prior to scheduling the test.  The fee can be paid via check, cash, Mastercard, Visa, or Discover.  This fee is non-refundable.  Students should obtain receipts from the Business Office, which will serve proof of payment and as authorization to order and schedule the assessment test.

Grades in Major Courses: Students are required to earn a grade of “C” (2.0) or better in all courses counted to fulfill requirements for the major.

Pass/No Pass: The pass/no pass grading option is not accepted in courses to be applied for the major.

Transfer Policy: Students may transfer up to 96 credits to fulfill the degree requirement of 128 credits.


Trinity’s B.S.N. program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (C.C.N.E.) and has conditional approval from the District of Columbia Board of Nursing (D.C.B.O.N.).

Last On-Site Evaluation: Spring 2012.

Course Descriptions

BIOL 101 Introduction to Biology
BIOL 121 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 122 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 130 Microbiology for the Health Professions
CHEM 113 Chemistry for the Health Sciences
COM 225 Intercultural Communication
COM 290 Public Speaking
ENGL 107 College Composition
HPNU 200 Nutrition, Diet Therapy, and Health Promotion
INT 109 Information Literacy
MATH 108 Finite Mathematics
MATH 110 Introduction to Statistics
NURS 310 Advanced Health Assessment
NURS 310L Advanced Health Assessment Lab
NURS 320 Policy and Politics in Nursing
NURS 325 Contemporary Issues In Nursing and Health Care
NURS 330 Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice
NURS 410 Leadership and Management of Health Care
NURS 415 Pharmacology and Complementary/Alternative Therapies
NURS 420 Community and Public Health Nursing
NURS 420C Community and Public Health Clinical
NURS 430 Emergency Nursing and Illness Prevention
NURS 450 RN Clinical Practicum
NURS 490 RN Capstone
PHIL 251 Bioethics
PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology
SOCY 100 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 103 Spanish for the Workplace