Dr. Mary Lynn Rampolla, Associate Professor of History (program chair)
Dr. Susan Farnsworth, Professor of History
Dr. Mary Hayes, SND, Professor of History
The history major is particularly flexible. Students may select an orientation suiting their own individual interests, supported by complementary courses in art, literature, the social sciences, theology, and philosophy.
The study of history is integral to a liberal education. Students develop an informed perspective about the varieties and diversity of human experience and about their own inherited cultural traditions. They learn ways to study the past and to make connections between the past and the issues of the contemporary world. Through their investigation of human experience, they develop an understanding of institutions, ideas, and values different from theirs, and, in turn, recognize and deepen their own values. In the process, they acquire skills in interpretation and synthesis based on systematic inquiry and research, analysis of evidence, and the formation of critical judgment.
Training in history offers a foundation for many different careers. Broad reading, the development of critical perspective, the discipline of research, organizational ability, logical presentation of evidence and conclusions, intuitive insight, understanding of human nature — all these prepare the student for a wide variety of professions. As a result of this academic preparation, Trinity history majors have pursued careers in law, business, print and broadcast journalism, public relations, teaching, and museum education and curatorial work.
The History Program offers both a major and a minor to students in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Prerequisites for History Courses
Only 100-level courses satisfy FLC, Core, or General Education Curriculum requirements. (See course descriptions for specific information.
200-level courses do not have pre-requisites and are open to all interested students.
Most 300-and 400-level courses require a research paper; therefore, familiarity with historical methodology is highly recommended.
Major Requirements
Required Courses (33 credits)
Students majoring in history must take the following distribution of courses at the 200-level or above:
TWO courses in Europe before 1700, including either
TWO courses in Europe after 1700, including
THREE courses in United States history, including
TWO courses in Non-Western history
ONE elective course in history
ONE seminar: HIS 466 Senior Seminar
History majors are advised to take at least two upper-division courses in a complementary discipline, such as art, literature, any one of the social sciences, theology, and philosophy.
Where applicable, interdisciplinary courses may also fulfill requirements.
Minor Requirements
Required Courses (18 credits)
To earn a minor in history, students must take the following distribution of courses at the 200-level or above:
ONE course in European history
ONE course in United States history
ONE course in non-Western history
THREE elective courses in history
Program Policies
Advanced Placement:
A score of 4 or 5 on the AP examination is accepted for credit toward the degree. AP credit does not fulfill FLC, Core, major, or minor requirements.
CLEP Policy:
CLEP credit is not accepted to fulfill history major or minor requirements.
Grades in Major and Minor Courses:
Students are required to maintain an average of “C” (2.0) or better in the major and minor.
Pass/No Pass:
With the exception of practica and internships, courses fulfilling a major or minor requirement may not be taken pass/no pass.
Senior Assessment:
Senior history majors are required to pass a written and an oral comprehensive examination, normally administered early in the spring semester.
Study Abroad:
To support their major, students are encouraged to study abroad, preferably in their junior year.
TELL Policy:
TELL credits may count towards the major if the student is able to document active participation in an event, movement, or issue that has shaped contemporary history.
Transfer Credits:
Students may apply transfer credits toward the major in history if the accepted courses parallel courses required for the major at Trinity. In all, transfer students must complete a minimum of 15 credits in history at Trinity, including a colloquium or seminar.