Educational Administration (M.S.A.)


Dr. Gladys Williams, Educational Administration Program Director


The graduate program in educational administration offers a Master of Science in Administration degree (M.S.A.) to students who successfully complete the 36-credit hour degree program designed to prepare them for administrative leadership positions in educational settings. This two-year cohort program meets one weekend a month for twenty months. The program consists of core requirements (30 credits) and a required 2-year internship and final project with an accompanying seminar (6 credits). Course syllabi and classroom activities reflect the curriculum guidelines of the Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) and prepare students to take the School Leaders Licensure Assessment (SLLA) licensure exam, which is required of all new school principals in both the District of Columbia and Maryland.

The Educational Administration Program is nationally recognized by NCATE; it is state approved and fulfills the requirements for the Administrative Services Credential in the District of Columbia. The program reflects the contemporary emphasis on data driven decision making and focuses on skills in data analysis, strategic planning and collaborative problem solving.  Students learn to evaluate instruction and to develop strategies to assist teachers with instructional techniques that lead to improved levels of student achievement.

Degree Requirements

Core Requirements (30 credits)

ALL of the following courses:

  • EDCC 601 Transition to Graduate School Seminar
  • EDAD 599 Research in Education
  • EDAD 601 Leadership, Management, and Supervision
  • EDAD 602 Technology and Systems
  • EDAD 604 Staff and Group Development
  • EDAD 605 Curriculum and Program Development
  • EDAD 607 Cultural Diversity
  • EDAD 608 Teaching and Learning for School Leaders
  • EDAD 633 Financial and Resource Management
  • EDAD 634 Legal and Ethical Issues in School Administration

Field Experience (6 credits)

BOTH of the following courses:

  • EDAD 625 Internship in Administration I and EDAD 626 Internship in Administration II
    EDAD 640 Internship in Administration
  • EDAD 627 Internship in Administration III and EDAD 628 Internship in Administration IV
    EDAD 600 Final Project in Educational Administration