Trinity Winter Holiday Hours
Dear Trinity Community:
As we wind down the fall 2020 semester, thanks to all for the energy, dedication and good will with which you have made the semester a success, despite the unique challenges our global community has faced. Sending many, many heartfelt wishes for a festive and refreshing winter holiday season!
Please note the following Trinity schedule during the holiday season:
- Monday, December 21 through Wednesday, December 23: Open
- Thursday, December 24 through Sunday, January 3: Closed
All offices and the library will resume current business hours on Monday, January 4.
The Sister Helen Sheehan Library will observe 10:00 am – 4:00 pm hours on the days Trinity is open.
The shuttle bus will NOT operate from Thursday, December 24 through Sunday, January 3. The shuttle bus will resume current service hours on Monday, January 4.
Alumnae Dining Hall closes this Friday, December 18, and will be closed during the winter break. The Dining Hall will reopen for dinner on Saturday, January 9 at 5:00 pm. The Deli remains closed at this time.
Trinity Center Winter Holiday Schedule: The Trinity Center remains closed for general service at this time. The Trinity Center will be closed for in-person workouts from Wednesday, December 23 through Sunday, January 3. In-person workouts will resume Monday, January 4. Virtual classes will be held on Wednesday, December 23, and Monday, December 28 through Wednesday, December 30. Look out for emails from the Trinity Center with links to the virtual classes. For questions about in-person workout availability, please email
Once again, all the best in the holiday season.
Carlota Ocampo, PhD