How do I find my course in Moodle as a student?
All courses are loaded into Moodle as unavailable to students. Once the instructor is ready to share the materials and begin the instruction process, they will make it available to students. (Instructors – can’t remember how to change your course’s visibility? Follow these instructions on making your course available to students.) PLEASE NOTE: Only the...
How do I view my final letter grade or midterm progress letter grade for a course?
Final grades and midterm progress grades can be found in Self-Service, not in Moodle. These grades are the letter grades submitted to Enrollment Services and the final letter grades listed on your transcript. To view your final grade or midterm progress grade for a course, follow the steps below. Login to Self-Service. You can also reach...
How do I change the grade or feedback for a manually entered grade?
You can adjust the grade and feedback for both manually created, ‘off-line’ grade items, as well as overridden activity grades from the ‘Grader report’ page. Once you have entered a grade in the gradebook manually for an activity created on the main page of your course, you have to continue to update it manually in...
How do I make my course available to students?
All courses are loaded into Moodle as unavailable to students. As long as the instructor has access to the course, the instructor has the ability make the course available to students at any point. If you would like to make your course visible to students in Moodle now, simply follow these steps. Once logged into...
How do I submit Mid-Term Progress Grades or Final Grades?
NOTE: Once you have submitted grades through this interface, you cannot change the grade online. You must submit a grade change form to Enrollment Services to change the Final grade. Final grade changes cannot be accepted via email or over the phone. There will be no changes to Mid-Term Progress grades accepted. The “Request for Change...