Cap and Gown Weekend Overview
Saturday, September 24 – Sunday, September 25, 2011
Cap and Gown Weekend
Cap and Gown is one of Trinity’s most cherished traditions. More than 100 years old, it is one of the most memorable moments in the lives of our seniors. Cap and Gown Weekend includes Cap and Gown Convocation on Saturday, and Cap and Gown Mass on Sunday, followed by brunch and a Courtyard Sing. Register online for Cap and Gown events!
On Cap and Gown Weekend, members of the senior class (undergraduate students who have achieved senior status by earning 92 credits or more) wear their caps and gowns for the first time and are officially recognized as seniors. Also on Cap and Gown Weekend, the first year class receives its new class banner as part of the Courtyard Sing tradition.
Seniors should carefully review the letter from the Dean of Student Services for important information regarding this special weekend. Seniors with questions about Cap and Gown Weekend may contact Dean Michele Bowie at 202-884-9611.
The entire university community, families and friends are welcome to share these traditions with our senior class and their families. All students are encouraged to come out in force to support our seniors!
Schedule of Events
Thursday, September 15
- The Trinity Bookstore will have caps and gowns available for purchase beginning at 12:00 noon. Caps and gowns will then be available for purchase during regular bookstore hours through Saturday, September 24.
Friday, September 23
- Senior Portraits in Rose Parlor, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm
- Rehearsal for Cap and Gown in O’Connor Auditorium, 6:00 pm
Saturday, September 24
- Robing in O’Connor Auditorium at 4:30 pm
- Cap and Gown Convocation in the Trinity Center at 5:00 pm; families, friends and members of the Trinity community are welcome
- President’s Reception following Convocation
Sunday, September 25
- Robing in O’Connor Auditorium at 9:15 am
- Mass in Notre Dame Chapel at 10:00 am; families, friends and members of the Trinity community are welcome
- Brunch in Alumnae Hall following mass (must purchase $10 tickets for guests in the Dean of Student Services Office, Main 223)
- Courtyard Sing for all classes in Seymour Court at 12:30 pm